Across The Nation

Jim Beaird Retires as Southeast Regional Executive Director



After 17 years of faithful and dedicated service serving as the Southeast regional executive director with his wife, Kris, at his side, Dr. Jim Beaird retired at the end of May 2019. 

He said, “Kris and I have been honored to serve the great Southeast region of Open Bible Churches. As God is faithful in leading those who hear His heart, He gave us a dream assignment in this position. Our time here produced many genuine relationships with fine men and women of God from many cultural diversities. He also raised up a board of directors who are men of honor and distinction and represent the whole of the region. We are blessed and will miss working closely with these fine leaders.”

Significant transformations occurred in Southeast region during the Beairds’ years of service. They championed higher learning, raising the bar in leadership education and development for the region, and led by example. Jim holds a Doctor of Ministry degree; Kris holds a master’s degree in Church Ministries and Leadership. The Beairds are loved and valued by regional ministers and church members.

In a service honoring the Beairds on May 3, 2019, at Hope Church in Largo, Florida, Open Bible President Randall A. Bach said, “You have led. You have taught. But I believe most important, you have modeled. You have modeled consistency. People know they can count on you to be who they know you to be. You have modeled love for the Lord. Your devotion to His calling has never wavered. You have modeled love for each other. You have convinced us you like each other! You have modeled integrity in leadership in causing the leadership and participation in this region to reflect the region’s rich ethnic and cultural diversity. You have modeled a quest for personal growth and educational development. You earned the right to be called “Doctor” and “Coach,” and you have lifted the educational aspirations of many who followed your example. You have modeled support for your leaders. More than the specifics you have done, you have blessed so many people by being who you are and modeling these and many other characteristics.”

Dr. Jim Beaird served as a pastor for 30 years in Wyoming, Colorado, and Iowa before becoming the Southeast regional executive director. He is the author of two books: The Proximity Factor (also available in Spanish) and The Providence Factor. Jim and Kris will continue to live in Florida as they write books, coach, and involve themselves in other ministry interests. We salute them for their service!

Nathan Hagan will begin service as the new Southeast regional executive director July 1. The regional executive director responsibility is an appointed position by the president of Open Bible Churches in consultation with the regional board of directors, approved by the national board of directors, and ratified by Open Bible credentialed ministers who reside in the region.

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