
Passing of Lola Brown



On November 25, 2019, surrounded by family, Lola Brown made one last move of many she had made serving the Lord, this time to her eternal home. This was a moment she had been preparing for since she was first saved about 75 years ago. At 104 years of age, Lola was the oldest credentialed minister in Open Bible history.

Lola Brown was passionate in her faith and unwavering in her love for the Lord and her family. An educator at age 17, a Christ-follower at age 29, and a mother at 31, she gave herself fully to her calling. She spent a lifetime serving Jesus and persistently building His Kingdom. This included but was not limited to serving in the Philippines for over 12 years and being credentialed as an Open Bible minister for more than 70 years. Many graduates of Bible Standard College (later Eugene Bible College and now New Hope Christian College) will remember her as a teacher and librarian.

Her son Paul said, “In Proverbs 13:22 we read that a ‘good person leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.’ Mother’s life is a demonstration of what one life surrendered to God can produce. Her life was fruitful both naturally and spiritually. In addition to her three children, Mom had 11 grandchildren, 21 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great-grandchildren who were influenced by her great faith. This is fruit that will last long after the many years she spent on earth. It will continue to yield a harvest for generations to come!”

Lola left a rich heritage in the Open Bible family as well. President Randall A. Bach said, “It was a privilege to have met and interviewed Lola. I remember how struck I was by her sweetness, joy, and sense of humor. What a powerful combination! Open Bible was blessed to count her among our credentialed ministers.”

Read more about Lola’s extraordinary life.

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