5 Things

Five Things to Get You Through the End of the School Year



Spring Break is upon us. Cabin fever has reached its peak. We all just want some sunshine, a swimming pool, and to sleep past 7:00 a.m., amiright?!? So here are Five Things to get you through the end of the school year: 

1. Get back to your routine!

Remember August, when you made lunches and laid out the kids’ clothes the night before? Do that. You know it helps to alleviate the stress. Each new school year is an opportunity to develop good routines. If you’ve fallen out of those positive patterns, make a commitment to reinstate them. Get the kids involved in helping with those nightly tasks. Now that they’re six months older, they may be ready for some new responsibilities.

2. Get Outside!

As the weather starts to warm up, take a little time to get outside. After the long winters, the fresh air will do you and the kids some good. Even 15 minutes of time outside will help burn some extra energy. Your kids have been sitting through spring standardized tests and the big push to finish required curriculum, so the extra play time or a good walk will refresh them (and you!). 

3. Start planning your summer,

and create a countdown to the last day of school. Do you have a vacation planned? Could you make plans to visit all the “tourist” spots in your own hometown? Maybe it’s the pool or the park that the kids are looking forward to most. Whatever excites them, make a plan and share it with them. Having their involvement will increase their anticipation and give them something to look forward to. Make a calendar or paper chain, a poster of the activities, anything visual to keep the momentum going. 

4. Manage the Paper

You’ve got the stack of papers from December still floating around and now the onslaught of the end-of-year papers hits. This time of year seems to be filled with extra forms for field trips or parties. All the projects your kids have been working on at school are finding their way into your home. The mountain of papers is growing. Take some time to purge and file the old papers and create a folder for the new papers. Take photos of art projects and turn them into a photo book with photographs of your kiddos throughout this last school year. Simple photo book tools are available online and through national retailers. It’s a guilt-free way to throw out the family “portrait” where your arms are longer than your body.  

5. Give Grace

You’re tired, your kids are tired, and their teachers are really tired. Give everyone some much-needed grace. This is the time of year we cling to verses like 2 Corinthians 12:9: “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’” If you need some encouragement, reach out. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many “empty-nester” moms miss these days and will gladly offer some support to give you relief. Put together a group of fellow parents to trade play dates or provide each other with an extra meal to make it through the last few weeks of the school year. And finally, remember: Summer is coming! You’ve got this! 

About the Author

Natalie Burchit is a wife to one incredible husband, Bill, and mom to three amazing kids. She loves writing and speaking, encouraging God’s people to fully embrace the masterpiece He is creating in them. The Burchits have served in full-time ministry for over twenty years and have a heart for God’s church. 

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