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The Truth About Transgenderism (Part 2)



By Lisa* 

In the book When Harry Became Sally, Ryan Anderson explains that when researchers followed people who had sex reassignment surgery over 30 years in Sweden (a culture that is strongly supportive of transgendered people), they found that those who had had the surgery still struggled with severe mental unrest. The suicide rate of those who underwent surgery rose to 20 times that of their comparable peers. He concluded that transitioning to the opposite gender does not produce the happiness people seek. Perhaps this is because their problems go much deeper.   

More than 100 follow-up studies of post-operative transsexuals were done by the University of Birmingham. It was concluded that none of those studies provided evidence that gender reassignment is beneficial. The Obama administration came to the same conclusion in 2016. An Obama Centers for Medicare and Medicaid study pointed out a 19 times greater likelihood of death by suicide in individuals who underwent sex reassignment surgery. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services concluded that, based on a thorough review of clinical studies, there was not enough evidence to show that sex reassignment surgery benefitted its patients at all. This is why insurance hasn’t covered it . . . up until now.   

Consequences of Sex Reassignments

Telling a gender-confused person they should transition is like telling a bulimic, “Yeah, I know you’re only 80 pounds and wasting away, but since you still think you’re fat, I guess letting you get gastric bypass surgery couldn’t hurt if it will help you feel more thin.” 

Jamie Shupe, the first person to obtain a “non-binary” sex classification in America, has a lot to say about the evils of trans medicine. After participating in it for six years, he says it left him with an “eternally scarred psyche” and a host of health issues. Convinced he was a woman during a mental health crisis in 2013, Jamie’s therapist recommended he start on estrogen and testosterone blockers. Jamie says, “I believed that wearing a long wig, dresses, heels, and makeup would make me a woman. The best thing that could have happened would have been for someone to order intensive therapy that would have protected me from my inclination to cross-dress. Instead, quacks in the medical community said, ‘Your gender identity is female.’”

When Jamie began the process of transitioning, doctors and therapists told him he’d soon experience a positive boost in mental health. “It was just the opposite,” he says. “It destabilized my mental health because I was living in a false reality. I was fighting my body . . . . I perfectly understand why this kills people and why there’s such high suicide rate . . . . It’s the program itself that’s killing us.”

Jamie later de-transitioned and currently speaks out against trans medicine. He now admits, “All of my sexual confusion was in my head. I should have been treated. Instead, at every step, doctors, judges, and advocacy groups indulged my fiction . . . .” 

When Jamie began the process of transitioning, doctors and therapists told him he’d soon experience a positive boost in mental health. “It was just the opposite,” he says. “It destabilized my mental health because I was living in a false reality. I was fighting my body . . . . I perfectly understand why this kills people and why there’s such high suicide rate . . . . It’s the program itself that’s killing us.”

Jamie Shupe

Much as so-called experts changed the language around addiction to absolve people of personal responsibility, the same is now being done in the trans arena. Just as it’s no longer politically correct to say a drug addict makes a choice by taking drugs (instead they have a disease), we can no longer call men who dress as women “transvestites” because it implies they have a choice as to whether or not they cross-dress. The new vocabulary demands we refer to them as transgender instead. Because if someone is “transgender,” it’s not their fault if they cross dress. They were born inside the wrong body, after all.   

The field of transgender medicine will be exposed in decades to come. Top medical professionals believe we will one day look back and say, “Remember when instead of treating the root cause of a mental illness, we encouraged the person to move deeper into their delusion?” We will eventually look back at hormone treatments and sex re-assignment surgery the same way we do the lobotomies of yesteryear. 

Promotion of Gender Stereotypes

But until that day we have a wave of men seeking to become women and vice versa even though there is no possible way a man can ever know what it’s actually like to be a woman. This is why feminist icons like Germaine Greer are finally speaking out against transgender ideology. Transgenderism reinforces everything they’ve spent their entire lives fighting against. It promotes old, outdated gender stereotypes (being a woman means putting on a skirt and heels). A group of radical feminists recently had their Twitter accounts suspended for promoting “transphobia” because they were tweeting things like “A man cannot be a woman.” This kind of talk is now considered hate speech in our country. 

We will see more and more of this censorship in the coming years (for example, soccer player Jaelene Hinkle, who wasn’t allowed to play on the U.S. team in the World Cup simply because she refused to wear an LGBTQ pride jersey). 

Our society does not have an issue with a man whose temperament is more “feminine.” Being sensitive, intuitive, nurturing, caring, artistic, and gentle even though you are biologically male are considered good qualities to most women. I myself have been accused of having many “masculine” qualities throughout my life. I am direct, confident, and unafraid of confrontation. I’d rather watch football than attend a baby shower any day. I majored in criminal justice. I worked with gangs in Chicago. Nothing about my personal interests or life experiences is considered classically “feminine.” But just because a person has qualities traditionally observed in the opposite gender does not mean they should become that gender. 

No empowered female would ever accept transgender ideology in any form. It’s an insult to women the world over to suggest that because someone puts on a skirt and wedges, it automatically makes him a woman. We women are not our clothes or shoes. We are not our hair or makeup. Any real woman knows this. Outer beauty has nothing to do with being female. For my brother to think that putting on a dress, wig, and makeup somehow makes him the same as me is perhaps the greatest insult of all time. He has spent 36 years of his life as a man. He knows nothing of what it’s like to be an American female in the 21st century. And he never will.   

A group of radical feminists recently had their Twitter accounts suspended for promoting “transphobia” because they were tweeting things like “A man cannot be a woman.” This kind of talk is now considered hate speech in our country. 

As I mentioned before, therapists historically viewed cross-dressing as a compulsion to ease anxiety, which is easy enough to understand. People do all kinds of things to ease anxiety. They drink. They eat too much sugar. They waste money on lottery tickets. They smoke weed. They self-harm. But any healthy person knows we should never take a compulsion that’s used to ease deeper pain and start celebrating it as our identity.  

Now girls as young as three who like sports and trucks are being told by doctors (and celebrity moms like Charlize Theron) that they are a boy trapped in a girl’s body. They are then put on powerful, reproductive-ending hormones to stop the onset of puberty. Teenagers are having mutilating surgeries simply because they’re into things that are traditionally associated with the opposite gender. Yet gender non-conformity is the very thing scores of people fought against for decades. Girls should be able to do anything boys can do this day and age and vice versa. But now we have trans men smashing records in one girl’s athletic category after another. 

Where Are the People of Faith?

And where are the so-called “people of faith” in this madness? Running scared. We don’t want to be labeled ignorant. We don’t want to be called bigots. We know that being deemed “transphobic” can quickly snowball into other adjectives like misogynist or racist.  

The message from the Christian community regarding LGBTQ issues seems to be this: we just need to show Christ’s love to everyone by accepting them exactly as they are. And it’s true. Everyone has something they’re struggling with, and no one is exempt. But no one should ever be loved as they are and then left that way. Hence Christ’s final words to the woman at the well: “Go and sin no more.”  

If love means supporting someone’s endeavors no matter what they are, shouldn’t we all drive our alcoholic friends to the bar tonight? Real love means speaking the truth, even when it’s not culturally cool. 

And though I should not have to spell this out, I will nonetheless. Simply disagreeing with someone on an issue does not mean you are scared of or dislike all people who are on the other side of the issue. I believe transgenderism is wrong. That doesn’t make me transphobic. I believe the greatest victims of transgender ideology are the people who’ve been given the transgender label themselves. 

Calling everyone who doesn’t support LGBTQ rights “transphobic” or “homophobic” is insanely ignorant. Trans people should never be made fun of or bullied in any way. They are already dealing with enough as it is; they need our help.    

My brother will say that gender is just a tiny part of who he is. But for him to think that he will “still be himself” even if he is a woman is nonsense. He will no longer be a man named Josh. He will be a false caricature of a person who’s requesting that everyone around him deny reality by telling him he’s something he’s not. Of course he’ll retain his personality, his same likes and dislikes. But to say that one’s gender doesn’t ultimately matter in the grand scheme of things shows how deep the confusion goes. I wouldn’t have married my husband if he weren’t male. And as a married woman, I wouldn’t be going out to lunch alone with my girlfriends if they weren’t female.

Despite what my brother and sister-in-law would have everyone believe, the truth is this: gender matters. As the Pope said recently: “Gender is sacred.” Top bishops and cardinals have unequivocally stated that the transgender movement is demonic

Any good branding expert knows that organizations choose their logos with much thought and care. So yes, there is a reason that the Church of Satan chose Baphomet (the half-male/half-female goat) to be its logo. The goat reminds us that supposedly we are the ultimate decision makers in our life here on earth. We are the designers of our destiny. And while God’s desires for us (like biological sex) are all good, in the end it’s the true self whose desires we must follow. Did God really say, “You have to be male”? 

It’s a tale as old as time.

*The author of this true account, a wife and mother, wishes to remain anonymous. Names in this account have been changed.

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