
Churches Respond to COVID-19



Even though pastors and churches have faced enormous obstacles during this pandemic, they have made herculean efforts to adapt quickly to minister to their communities despite the huge learning curve for many. They have proven that the church, the body of Christ, cannot be contained by any specific structure. 

Churches have launched out into new methods of ministry such as live streaming their services and each week they are stepping up the quality of these services. Some churches are conducting drive-in worship services in their parking lots. Others implemented innovative methods to participate in Good Friday services, such as drive-through communion using pre-packaged elements followed by a service broadcast through a car radio. Other churches participated together in communion through Facebook Live. 

Churches have also stepped up their outreach into their communities. They are providing drive-through Easter dinners and shopping for groceries for those who would be at risk to get their own. They are distributing lunches for children in their community who normally rely on school meals. Several church members have spent untold hours making protective face gear for health care workers and protective cloth facemasks for others in their communities. God is good and the generosity of His people is overwhelming.  

President Randall Bach noted, “In the midst of darkness and threat from this pandemic my heart has been filled with joy as I observe how Open Bible churches are assuming leadership in reaching their communities for Christ! They could have just hunkered down, waiting for everything to return to normal but instead, they have looked for and walked through doors for innovative ministry. Even if we return to ‘normal,’ I believe churches have discovered new ministries that they will not abandon.” 

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