Across The Nation

Message of the Open Bible Receives First Place Award!



The artwork of Greg Roberts, Open Bible’s print media manager, was recently recognized by the Evangelical Press Association, of which the Message of the Open Bible is a member. The cover Greg designed for the May/June 2019 issue of the Message of the Open Bible won first place for typography and lettering under the Higher Goals Awards category. The judges wrote that the artwork was “simple and powerful.” 

The 2020 EPA’s awards ceremony honored the best work published during the 2019 calendar year. With the 2020 EPA convention canceled due to COVID-19, the annual EPA awards were presented during a live streamed event hosted on Zoom and Facebook Live on April 21, 2020. The presentation was hosted by EPA president Carol Pipes and contest coordinator Danny Conn.  

Greg Roberts has been designing the Message magazine since January 1, 2000. He said, “EPA is comprised of many of the most influential Christian publications out there, and it is an honor for our creative team to stand among them in our attempt to deliver the Message of the Open Bible with excellence.” 

This year there were 1,038 entries for the Higher Goals awards and 103 entries for the Awards of Excellence. The complete list of winners is posted on the EPA website. 

“We are proud of and thankful for Greg Roberts,” said Open Bible president, Randall Bach. “Greg is ‘old school’ in that he cut his teeth working with printing presses and learned everything about the print industry including graphic design, which is where he settled in to develop his talent. When the Message of the Open Bible went to an all-digital format Greg also reduced his schedule at the national office to part time, where he continues to play a valuable role. No one, as in no one, can salvage and improve a photo through PhotoshopTM like Greg. Students coming out of graphic arts schools today are trained in digital production and therefore do not have the photo touchup skills like Greg has. Greg also faithfully works at sharpening his designer eye and skills on a contemporary level. He continues to take the point in design of any of our printed materials and plays a valuable supportive role for Lucas Hansen, our digital media manager, with digital productions. That is quite a tribute to Greg, the ‘old guy,’ who supports the ‘young guy’ while also still pulling out rabbits from his design hat, a real team player! Greg is loved by our national office staff and plays a valuable role on our communication team. We are thrilled and celebrate with and for him over winning the design award from the Evangelical Press Association, triumphing over some big name publications with teams of designers. Well done, Greg! Well deserved!” 

Greg Roberts is a graphic designer and the Print Media Manager for Open Bible Churches in Des Moines, Iowa. Greg has been with the national office for over 20 years, and was working on the Message of the Open Bible at a small design firm even before he started full-time for Open Bible.

Greg and his wife, Julia, have four grown children and 16 grandchildren.

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