Across The Nation

Chris Hansler Appointed Pacific Region Executive Director



Open Bible Churches is pleased to announce the ratification of Chris Hansler’s appointment as Executive Director of Pacific Region with a four-year term that will commence on August 1, 2020.  

Chris brings diverse pastoral and other leadership experience to his new post. Open Bible President Randall A. Bach said, “I believe God has been preparing him for some time for this assignment. Chris and Lisa, his wife, have been youth leaders and church planting pastors. Chris founded and grew the Discover Church Planting Network as well as the Discover Ministry School, which now has several functioning sites within Pacific Region and is beginning to reach beyond the region. I have known and observed Chris for many years and have always held him in high esteem. He has most recently been serving as Pacific Region’s appointed member to Open Bible’s national board of directors where he has gained experience with national Open Bible vision and decisions. Chris and Lisa are quality servants of the Lord who will capably serve Pacific Region. Barbara and I look forward to collaborating with them on a vision to impact our world for Christ.” 

“Lisa and I are deeply honored by this appointment,” Chris said. “We have such great love and respect for Gary and Joneile Emery, whose innovation, investment and love have set a beautiful course for the pastors and churches of our region. And we would be remiss not to honor Dr. Don and Ruth Bryan. Don served as my Bible college president and then as our regional director when we began in ministry. We are humbled to stand on the foundation they have laid, yet we are excited, knowing that foundation is strong. So we are ready for this next season focused on helping our churches make strong disciples who become great leaders who will reach the next generation with the love of Jesus. This world desperately needs the Kingdom ways of Jesus, and we are confident that our churches have within them the Spirit-borne seeds of life that can transform communities all over the Pacific Region and beyond!” 

The regional executive director responsibility is an appointed position by the president of Open Bible Churches in consultation with the regional board of directors, approved by the national board of directors, and ratified by Open Bible credentialed ministers who reside in the region. Chris succeeds Gary Emery, who retired after 20 years of serving the region. 

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