Around the World

No Match for God!



By Tirsa Gaitan

Yazoara with her newborn son. Both Mom and son are healthy!

In February of 2003 my husband, Nelson, and I left the U.S. to return to our homeland, Nicaragua, as missionaries. Since that time we have witnessed many miracles and have seen the hand of God at work in many situations, even during this time of the coronavirus pandemic.

One such miracle happened to Yazoara Garcia. Her father was killed in the war in Nicaragua in the late 70s. Her mother decided she didn’t want her, so her grandmother raised her. As Yazoara got older, she began drinking and partying.

Yazoara eventually married and became pregnant, but her marriage was in trouble. In September, when she was in her eighth month of pregnancy, she contracted COVID. Nelson and I received an urgent prayer request from her aunt and uncle, who attend our church. Yazoara had been intubated and was close to death. Although no one was allowed to visit her, we gathered our prayer team from church and immediately began praying for her and her baby from 2:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m.

The following day we received word that miraculously Yazoara had become well enough to be released from the hospital. God had healed her! She was so grateful to God and for our prayers. If God could heal her from the virus, He could surely heal her marriage. We prayed with her that God would once again provide a miracle and heal her marriage. We are overjoyed to share that Yazoara and her estranged husband are now back together, doting over a healthy newborn.

Yazoara poses with a healthy Emanuel!

We praise God for the impact He has had on Yazoara and her family. She is starting to believe in God and accept all that He has done for her. We believe that God will complete a good work in both Yazoara and her husband.

Another miracle took place in the life of Jaime Canales, a 58-year-old man who drank most of the time and fought with his family. His mother asked us to pray for him and come to her home to visit with him. She didn’t know what else to do besides turn to God.

After we visited Jaime, he came to a Sunday morning church service. He was so intoxicated that Nelson could barely preach because Jaime would loudly interrupt the church service with questions. At first Jaime attended services only occasionally, and we saw little change in his life. Nonetheless, after a couple of weeks, God got hold of Jaime as we prayed and offered him a little attention. Praise Jesus! He and his family now regularly attend services, he has been baptized, and he is sober. We are so thankful for all God has done in Jaime and his family and for God’s having chosen us to share His love with this family.

Another miracle happened to Emanuel, an eight-year-old boy who was diagnosed with leukemia. He and his mother attend our Open Bible church in San Marcos. Emanuel’s mother came to us with tears streaming down her cheeks and begged us and the other members of the church to pray for him, so again we called everyone together to pray. There were 27 other children going through the same treatment as Emanuel, and sadly each of them passed away.

The mom was terrified, but we kept telling her not to be afraid. We prophesied that the Lord had healed her son and that he would be a testimony for many.

At Emanuel’s next treatment, the doctor told his mom, “I don’t know what you are doing, but keep doing it!”

She said, “I am praying! The whole church is praying!”

Each visit found Emanuel getting better and better. Two months ago Emanuel’s doctor declared him leukemia free! He no longer needs to go for treatment. He is stronger and gaining weight!

The lives of Yazoara, Jaime, and Emanuel are a testimony to God’s healing power. The novel coronavirus, alcohol, and leukemia are no match for Him.

About the Author

Nelson and Tirsa Gaitan have served in their native country of Nicaragua since February of 2003. They founded the first Open Bible church in San Marcos and launched five other Open Bible churches, in Managua, Ochomogo, San Cayetano, San Jorge, and Las Pilas.

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