Around the World

Welcome to Our Newest Missionary!



Global Missions of Open Bible is pleased to announce that Nicole* has been appointed as a Missionary Ambassador to the Middle East. Nicole is a member of one of our Open Bible churches in Central Region.  

Nicole first felt God call her to missions when she was in college, about three months before she had planned to apply to medical school. After admittedly arguing a bit with God about the calling, she felt Him say to her, “You have to lay down what you want to do to pick up what I have for you.”  

As soon as she decided to submit to His call, she said, “He filled me with an immense amount of joy and love for the people of the Middle East. I know it wasn’t me; it was God!” 

Nicole dropped the pre-med portion of her degree to fulfill God’s call on her life and graduated with bachelor’s degrees in biology, psychology, and linguistics. She spent the past year (2020) in the Middle East taking language classes in Arabic and building relationships by “drinking a lot of strong, dark coffee and tea” while getting to know the people and sharing her life with them. Nicole looks forward to getting back to the Middle East in a few more months, where she will take another year of language school, engage in a local Arab church, and further develop her relationships. 

We welcome Nicole to the Global Missions team of Open Bible Churches and look forward to working with her. To watch a video of her interview with Global Missions Director Vince McCarty, go to [Watch Video] 

*Last name withheld for safety reasons. 

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