Across The Nation

Announcing New Digital Media Manager



Open Bible Churches is pleased to announce that Chris Cavan has been hired as our new Digital Media Manager. Chris, who is a credentialed Open Bible minister, serves as associate pastor, music director, and media/tech specialist at Lifesong Church of the Open Bible in Des Moines. He is also founder of and photographer and videographer for Cavan Photography.  

Chris and his wife, Mone, have six children, and Chris has faithfully dedicated himself to serving as “Mr. Mom” for the past ten years, caring for and homeschooling their children while Mone has worked as a pharmacist. Mone and Chris are now rebalancing their schedules, which makes it possible for Chris to assume this responsibility, some of which will be done from home. 

In responding to his hiring, Chris stated,

“I’m excited to be part of the team at Open Bible Churches. It’s been a longtime passion of mine to utilize technology in ways that serve the Kingdom in a God-honoring way. I can’t wait to see how the Lord can use me to further His Kingdom and serve the OBC mission.” 

Open Bible President Randall A. Bach said, “I am very pleased to have Chris join our staff. Frankly, I have had my eye on him as a digital media prospect for some time, but I knew his life and schedule were too full to entertain anything else. However, the family door has opened for Chris to assume this responsibility and we opened our door for him. He will be a delightful addition to our office team. Open Bible Churches is blessed to have Chris Cavan join our national office team.” 

Chris will be phasing into his new responsibilities while Mone, who will continue her job as a pharmacist, phases into her new work schedule. Beginning in May, Chris will be working and available three days each week in the office. 

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