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We Believe for Kids!



Have you ever thought about who is teaching your kids the values they will use when making major life decisions as well as the minor day-to-day choices that shape their character? Our children receive constant input meant to shape their core values from a variety of sources – many of them very secular.  

Open Bible Churches is excited to announce to you the upcoming publication of We Believe for Kids, our new doctrinal catechism based on the adult Open Bible doctrine manual, We Believe: Core Truths for Christian Living. Designed for children in fifth and sixth grades, We Believe for Kids will provide churches with engaging instructional resources and tools to teach fundamentals of the Christian faith to an age group that we must reach.  

The curriculum, geared to be completed in 37 weeks, consists of three books designed to be taught in three different quarters of the year. Each quarter will have its own teacher’s guide and student workbook. The first quarter’s book will speak to the general question of “Who Is God?” It will cover topics such as the Bible, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The second book will answer the question “Who Am I?” It will cover topics such as creation, the fall, salvation, water baptism, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. The third book will ask the question “Why Am I Here?” and include topics such as future events (eschatology), the Church, sex/marriage/purity, the call of God, and evangelism. 

The teacher’s guide and student workbook for the first book, Who is God?will be available to purchase by this fall, August 2021. The second book will be ready to purchase by November 2021, and the third book by March 2022. By next summer, you can celebrate the fact that your fifth and sixth grade students will have had the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of their Christian faith! 

For more information,

watch our short promotional video

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