Across The Nation

Modern Day Book of Acts Miracles in Ukraine 



A couple of Ukrainian immigrants who attend New Beginnings Open Bible, pastored by Mark and Maria Manning in Aberdeen, Washington, reported a recent miracle from Ukraine.  

Sasha and Inneshka, a brother and sister who immigrated to the United States several years ago, communicate regularly with their church family in Ukraine. The siblings recently learned that for two weeks seven people were forced to take shelter from the constant shelling of their city in the basement of an apartment building. The only food the little group had for the entire time they were hiding was one gallon of water and two small packets of cookies. Miraculously, neither the water nor the cookies ran out during the entire time, even though they all drank and ate as much as they wanted. The siblings compared the miracle to that of the widow who fed Elijah. When the woman had nearly run out of food, God miraculously kept her small amount of flour and olive oil from running out (1 Kings 17:8-16).   

Then one evening while the group in the basement was glorifying and worshiping God, they were astonished to hear angels singing with them. God is a God of great miracles.

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