No One Ever Told Me

Tomorrow’s Melissa Will Thank You 



By Melissa Stelly 

I have this thing that I do that may be considered quirky, something I do in many situations but especially when faced with something I don’t want to do. I pause, then say to myself, “Tomorrow’s Melissa will thank today’s Melissa.” 

I know it sounds weird but bear with me.  

When I am staring at a pile of dishes in my kitchen sink late at night and my body is telling me to just throw down the dishcloth and go to bed, I shake my head and declare, “Tomorrow’s Melissa will be so happy to not wake up to this!” And indeed, the next day I grin as I walk into a clean kitchen and give silent tribute to the sacrifice made.  

Tomorrow’s Melissa IS grateful. 

Or as I hold a freshly baked scone in my hand, I set it back down and state, “Tomorrow’s Melissa will be thankful today’s Melissa said no to this yummy, delicious, sugary goody.” Actually . . . that rarely happens, so I shouldn’t even use it as an example. 

Another facet of tomorrow’s Melissa is reflecting on the path Jesus took me on to get me to the place I am today. I can see her now, yesterday’s Melissa, plugging away at life with vim and vigor. I smile indulgently as she works full time while going to school, marries an incredible man and has beautiful babies, works alongside her husband in ministry, and energetically fulfills her calling as mother to three girls.  

But that smile quickly fades as I watch her struggling with doing “ALL OF THAT” in her own strength or at least trying to execute it in her own strength. I shake my head as I see how much worry consumes her thoughts, how that worry and fear becomes a barricade to fully trusting in the Lord and His mighty power. So much worry! So much fear!  

Don’t waste another moment on fear or worry. What a snare of the enemy! Sidestep that trap and confidently smile as you trust the Father who cradles you in His very capable hands. Shake it off, cast it out, don’t go digging back in the garbage after the Lord takes out the trash! 

If tomorrow’s Melissa could just reach across time, she would gently still Melissa’s harried thoughts and tell her to pause and take a deep breath – truly pause, truly breathe, and truly realize that she was never called to do “all of that” in her own strength or in her own knowledge. I would remind her of the verse that reads, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps” (Proverbs 16:9, NIV) and assure her that the Lord has beautiful steps plotted out just for her and that her course is good and blessed and fruitful. It is nothing she must work out; it is nothing she has to worry about. In fact, I would address the worry and the fear that often plague her sleepless nights and chase her through the day and tell her that fear has no place in her life. Jesus completely has it covered. He is in control of the medical diagnosis, the financial instability, the job opportunities, and her relationships.  

HE determines her path; HE provides for all her needs; HE is the only one who can heal, who can control, who can protect, who can sustain the precious lives that she treasures so much.  

He only asks for her to trust Him and follow Him.  

And He only asks for you to trust Him and follow Him. So cast aside the worry and the wringing of hands. Go forth in the strength of the Lord and not your limited ability. Take deep comfort and joy that the Lord’s purpose will prevail every single time in every single moment and in every single way. Allow the Lord to be the lifter of your head and the conductor of your steps.  

Don’t waste another moment on fear or worry. What a snare of the enemy! Sidestep that trap and confidently smile as you trust the Father who cradles you in His very capable hands. Shake it off, cast it out, don’t go digging back in the garbage after the Lord takes out the trash!  

Today’s Melissa will be so grateful if you do. 

About the Author

Melissa Stelly serves as the executive pastor at Turning Point Church in Spokane, Washington, alongside her husband, Josh Stelly. She has attended Turning Point for 32 years. She is the mother of three daughters, adores camping, hiking, and adventuring, is a voracious reader, and considers Mt. Rainier one of the greatest accomplishments the Lord created. Most days in her free time you will find her curled up with a good book or taking a long walk. 

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