Across The Nation

Powerful Stories Available at Better Roads 



In January of 2020, Open Bible President Randall A. Bach launched a podcast called Better Roads that features insightful conversations with people from a variety of backgrounds about their life journeys.  

So often we can better see and understand our own experiences by learning from someone else’s journey,” he said. “We are never alone! There is always someone who has walked or is walking a path similar to ours, and it is encouraging to recognize how God is guiding them.” 

Randall A. Bach

The first Better Roads podcast featured a moving interview with Dannette DeLaMatter, a young mom whose life was turned upside down when her son was born with Down syndrome. As of March 2023, more than forty podcasts have been recorded, and they are all available online for free. You have the opportunity to listen in as people talk about navigating their life’s journeys through a variety of circumstances that include dealing with the disappointments of multiple miscarriages to racial reconciliation to church planting to losing a spouse. Whatever situation you find yourself in, there is a good chance one of the podcasts will speak to it. 

Most of the interviews feature people from our own Open Bible family. Better Roads podcasts offer a great way to hear their stories and better connect with them. 

You can listen to these powerful stories at

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