Open Bible Churches is pleased to release Thriving in the Spirit, a book designed to help us grow in our experience of the Holy Spirit.
God is not distant. He is not merely watching from afar, aloof and uninvolved. He is present amid everyday circumstances, ministering His love, compassion, comfort, healing, correction, mercy, and more. Although He is omnipresent (everywhere at once), omniscient (all-knowing), and omnipotent (all-powerful), He is also omnisapient (all-wise)! In His wisdom, He chooses to work first and foremost in the hearts and lives of people. The Apostle Paul writes to the followers of Christ in Romans 8:11 (NLT), “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.”
As carriers of His presence, believers in Jesus are meant to touch all those around them with the Lord’s love and power. What an exciting and meaningful way to live!
Burton J. Campbell
Can you imagine your life impacting others the way Jesus’ life did?
Thriving in the Spirit will help you do just that, impact the lives of others! Written by Burton J. Campbell, this latest publication will help answer common questions about who the Spirit is and how He works in our lives. This resource is also meant to help leaders, churches, and other ministries think through guidelines and healthy practices that foster and encourage the work of the Holy Spirit in their midst.
As we encourage believers to embrace new life in the Spirit, may our churches strive to offer loving, balanced, dynamic instruction that helps people to experience the richness of vibrant Spirit-filled living. God’s Kingdom is real. It is more real than anything else we know, and it is within and all around us. Join in the adventure! Order your copy of Thriving in the Spirit today for $8.95 at