Across The Nation

Historical Gallery Room 



Open Bible Churches was founded in the summer of 1935 with 70 churches and 210 ministers, all part of three groups of churches coming out of the Pentecostal movement in the United States: Bible Standard in the Northwest, a group of churches in Nebraska and South Dakota, and the Open Bible Evangelistic Association in the Heartland.

In the years to come the newly united movement would strengthen and expand evangelistic efforts, send missionaries, train workers through Bible colleges, and establish new churches through the U.S. and reach out to fifty nations. 

After the Israelites had crossed into the Promised Land, Joshua set up twelve stones in remembrance of God’s divine provision. In a similar manner, it is important for our Open Bible Churches family to remember and take time to thank and glorify God for what He has done for us. For this reason, President Randall Bach initiated a plan for a Historical Gallery Room, which will be showcased on the lower level of the Open Bible national office. 

Pictures of all our presidents, present and past, line the wall outside of the Gallery. Inside the room all kinds of artifacts and pictures highlighting the journey and history of Open Bible Churches will be displayed. A touch screen video machine will allow individuals to pull up vignettes of our history, ongoing historical videos will be looping, and a Global Missions Wall will exhibit some of our fascinating Global Missions stories from times past.  

President Randall A. Bach emphasized the importance of creating this Gallery:  

If not intentionally remembered, history will be forgotten. History records the people, events, and milestones upon which we stand and progress today. Failing to retain and appreciate history is not only shortsighted, but it also wipes away our link to the past, our heritage, and the legacy of people who have gone before us. Open Bible Churches has a rich history, and our new Historical Gallery provides a pictorial overview of some of the major chapters of that history. 

As of now the Gallery is a “work in progress,” but you are more than welcome to stop by the office to check it out. With the rest of our Open Bible family, you will find yourself saying, “To God be the glory!”

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