
New Rhythm, New Song 



By Mary Wood 

October 27, 2021, set me on the path of widowhood once again. I had just retired from a 50-plus year career in hairdressing. After a few months of getting things in order after my husband’s death, I just wanted things to be “normal.” One day while I was praying and meditating on God’s Word, He very gently told me that “normal,” as we think of it, is unattainable. What we need to ask Him for is the new rhythm and the new song He has for us in our new season of life.

That made so much more sense to me than “normal” because I could not come up with a good definition of normal anyway! God’s Word clearly speaks of the rhythm of creation through its seasons and through the seasons of our lives.  

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1, NKJV

I was sharing with my Christian neighbor about my desire for direction for the next steps in my life. She said the answer to that question was probably right in front of me, I just had to recognize it. I went home and asked the Lord to show me what was right in front of me. It did not take long to realize my neighbor was right. I have studied the Word of God all my life and done a lot of writing. I have published a number of books and had writing responsibilities for articles both in Single Again but not Alone, a publication through East Region of Open Bible, and weekly articles in The Plymouth Pilot newspaper during the years I ministered in Plymouth, Indiana.  

I began a search through my Bible studies and poetry and found that I could put together a whole publication on acrostic Bible studies with coordinating poetry. When I was nearly ready to publish it, I was praying and searching for where to get published. About that time TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) started placing advertisements on Facebook for their new branch of ministry, that would publish books. I looked into the process and soon had Soaring in Faith, a book for study, meditation, and journaling, published. It was released in February of 2023.

While I was waiting on that release, I found a work I had started years ago on inside out beauty. With a little tweaking, Profoundly Beautiful was born. This book is a result of my journey of more than fifty years in the beauty business and realizing that the only true lasting beauty comes from the beauty of our relationship with Christ. I have had other books published as well. 

This experience of getting into a new rhythm of life has changed my outlook completely from expecting things to be “normal” to experiencing the joy of knowing that no matter what life brings my way, God has a purpose, a rhythm, and a song for each season! My favorite songs for this season have been “All is Well With My Soul” by Robin Mark and “Goodness of God” sung by Jason Ingram.  

Have you found your rhythm for this season of your life? 

About the Author

Mary A. Wood is a retired hairdresser, author, and credentialed Open Bible minister who serves as the interim pastor of Ithaca Open Bible Church in Arcanum, Ohio. Her newest adventure since her husband’s passing is that of being a “dog mom.” 

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