Featured Articles
¡Que alguien me ayude!

3 years agoon

Por Randy T. Rogers
«¡Que alguien me ayude!», gritó el niño de ocho años mientras luchaba por sostener a su hermano menor fuera del agua helada. Aquel día de octubre, fresco y nublado, mientras terminaba una tarea que le había encomendado su madre, el niño oyó un grito procedente de la parte más profunda de la piscina de la familia, parcialmente vaciada. Al buscar el lugar donde se escuchaba el grito, descubrió a la hija de tres años de su vecino que flotaba de espaldas indefensa sobre el agua sucia.
El niño corrió hacia la parte menos profunda de la piscina, se deslizó por una pendiente hasta la parte más profunda y luego cruzó a través del agua hasta llegar a la niña asustada. Al levantarla, se dio la vuelta para ver a su hermano de tres años flotando con la cara enterrada en el agua turbia a diez pies de distancia. El niño levantó a su hermano menor por encima del agua, y con la niña bajo un brazo y su hermano bajo el otro, el niño luchó reiteradamente por salir de la piscina. Pero la pendiente era demasiado resbaladiza para el niño, así que finalmente se quedó allí, de pie con el agua hasta la cintura, gritando una y otra vez: «¡Que alguien me ayude! Por favor, que alguien me ayude». Aquel tiempo le pareció una eternidad.
Por fin, un hombre que estaba a dos casas de distancia oyó los gritos del niño. El hombre corrió hacia la piscina, saltó por la parte menos profunda y bajó por la pendiente hasta donde el niño luchaba por sostener a la niña que lloraba y a su hermano inmóvil sobre el agua. El hombre sacó uno a uno, a los tres niños de la piscina. La niña desapareció pronto de su vista, corrió hacia la seguridad de su casa. Para entonces, la madre del niño había aparecido y trataba desesperadamente de reanimar a su hijo menor mientras el niño observaba impotente en las cercanías. Un bombero voluntario apareció y se apresuró a meter al hermano menor del niño en la parte trasera de un coche y llevó al niño sin vida y a su madre al hospital.
Una hora más tarde, los padres del niño volvieron a casa desde el hospital. No trajeron al hermano menor del niño. Murió ese mismo día. El padre del niño intentó abrazarlo, pero el niño se apartó y corrió hacia un terreno que estaba detrás de la piscina. Una parte de ese niño también murió ese día.
«Si tan sólo le hubiera dejado jugar en mi juego antes. Me lo pidió, pero le dije que no. ¿Por qué le eché? O si hubiera dejado de hacer lo que estaba haciendo cuando vi que habían atravesado la puerta hacia la zona de la piscina. Sabía que no debían estar allí. ¿Por qué no hice algo en ese momento? Si solo hubiera sido más grande, podría haberlos sacado de la piscina. ¡Fue mi culpa! ¡La culpa fue mía!». Estos pensamientos atormentaron al niño hasta que se negó a seguir meditando en ellos, y durante los siguientes veintiún años el niño no volvió a pensar en lo que ocurrió aquel día frío y nublado de octubre.
El niño creció. Se esforzaba por sobresalir en todo lo que hacía. Siempre fue el mejor de su clase. El éxito académico, sus habilidades en la cancha de baloncesto junto con sus seis pies y siete pulgadas de estatura, le abrieron el camino para ser admitido en una prestigiosa universidad. Después de graduarse en la facultad de derecho, se graduó de la universidad. Al mismo tiempo, el niño que se convirtió en un hombre se casó con su novia de secundaria. A esto le siguieron tres hijos. Su carrera como abogado prosperó de inmediato.
Entonces sucedió. Volvieron las nubes frías y sombrías de aquel lejano día de octubre. El hombre estaba deprimido y no entendía por qué. Tenía dificultades para trabajar y quería estar solo. Luchaba con sus pensamientos porque sabía que no debía sentirse así. Tenía una esposa cariñosa. Tenía éxito en su negocio. Enseñaba en la escuela dominical y servía como anciano en su iglesia..
“Dios, ¿qué me ha pasado? Ayúdame. Dios, por favor ayúdame”. Fue entonces cuando regresó el recuerdo de aquel día de octubre. Durante 21 años no había pensado en ese día. Nunca le había contado a nadie lo culpable que se sentía por la muerte de su hermano. Nunca le había contado a nadie lo que fue, pedir a gritos una ayuda que no llegó a tiempo para su hermano. Nadie le había preguntado.
Fue entonces cuando regresó el recuerdo de aquel día de octubre. Durante 21 años no había pensado en ese día. Nunca le había contado a nadie lo culpable que se sentía por la muerte de su hermano. Nunca le había contado a nadie lo que fue,
pedir a gritos una ayuda que no llegó a tiempo para su hermano.
«Dios, ¿qué me ha sucedido? Ayúdame. Dios, por favor, ayúdame». Fue entonces cuando volvió el recuerdo de aquel día de octubre. Durante veintiún años no había pensado en ese día. Nunca le había contado a nadie lo culpable que se sentía por la muerte de su hermano. Nunca le había dicho a nadie lo que era, pedir a gritos una ayuda que no llegó a tiempo para su hermano. Jamás nadie le había preguntado.
Fue mientras estaba acostado en la cama un domingo por la tarde, con la puerta del dormitorio cerrada y las persianas cerradas, cuando volvió el recuerdo de aquel trágico día. Ya estaba deprimido, y recordar aquel día tan terrible no le hizo sentirse mejor. Pero Dios había escuchado su grito de auxilio. Justo después de recordar lo ocurrido veintiún años antes, su esposa entró en su cuarto oscuro, y él le contó lo que había recordado. Ella lloró las lágrimas que él no podía derramar. Inmediatamente, ella supo lo que él debía hacer
Ella le dirigió en dos simples oraciones. «Pídele a Dios que te perdone por cualquier rol que hayas tenido en la muerte de tu hermanito», le dijo. Él hizo esa oración. Fuera o no su culpa, se culpaba a sí mismo. Luego, ella le dijo: «Ahora perdónate a ti mismo y pídele a Dios que te perdone por odiarte a ti mismo durante todos estos años». Ella estaba en lo cierto. Él oró esa simple oración.
Después de orar estas dos sencillas oraciones para pedir perdón, de repente sintió que alguien le había llevado de vuelta a esa piscina aquel día de octubre. Sólo que, al revivir la experiencia, cuando recordaba haber visto por primera vez a la niña flotando en el agua, se dio cuenta de que había un hombre a su lado. Cuando cruzó a través del agua y la recogió, se dio cuenta de que había un hombre a su lado. Al revivir la experiencia, incluso cuando estaba de pie en el agua con la niña bajo un brazo y su hermano bajo el otro, gritando una y otra vez: «¡Que alguien me ayude!», se dio cuenta de que había un hombre a su lado.
Aquel día de octubre, cuando los médicos intentaron reanimar a su hermano menor mientras yacía en el suelo, sus esfuerzos fueron en vano. Pero cuando el niño que se convirtió en hombre revivió veintiún años después aquella experiencia, esta vez vio cómo su hermano menor abría los ojos. Vio a su hermano levantarse y arrastrarse hasta los brazos de aquel hombre que ahora estaba allí de pie. Sus ojos irradiaban alegría mientras el hombre lo acunaba en sus brazos. Entonces el niño que se convirtió en hombre vio al hombre que acunaba a su hermanito. Ese hombre era Jesús. Yo era el niño.
Con mi hermanito aún en sus brazos, Jesús atravesó el patio hasta un viejo árbol situado a unos veinte pies de distancia y se dio la vuelta. Con una gran sonrisa en la cara, mi hermano me saludó con su mano y Jesús se lo llevó al cielo. Por primera vez pude recordar esto, y sentí amor. La culpa que había cargado durante esos veintiún años por fin había desaparecido. Las oraciones de perdón y el amor de Dios habían hecho desaparecer la culpa.
Sobre el Autor

Randy T. Rogers es un juez jubilado de Ohio. Durante sus veintiseis años como juez, participó activamente en el desarrollo de programas terapéuticos dirigidos por los tribunales para personas con adicción a las drogas y trastornos mentales. También presidió más de 3.000 adopciones y escribió el libro “Some Stick with You: A Heartwarming Collection of Adoption Stories” (Algunos se adhieren a ti: Una conmovedora colección de historias de adopción). Randy y su esposa, Nancy, llevan casados más de cincuenta años, tienen tres hijos y ocho nietos. En la actualidad, Randy es miembro de la Junta Directiva y tesorero de Religious Alliance Against Pornography, Inc. (Alianza Religiosa contra la Pornografía, Inc.).
Featured Articles
Forever a New Creation: How God Led Me from Refugee Roots to a Life of Mission

2 months agoon
December 20, 2024
The diaspora of the Tai Dam refugees in 1975 to Des Moines, Iowa, fueled a first generation of Tai Dam Americans adapting to new ways of life, blending language, culture, and embracing the numerous opportunities in the US. I was part of that first generation. Three years after my parents’ settlement in Iowa, I was born and became the first in my family to acquire an American education and step into a church. We were blessed to have Christian sponsors who helped us transition from our homeland to America.

Every Sunday, our sponsors would take me, my sister, and several of my cousins to church service at the First Church of the Open Bible. Naomi Young was one of the many people who was significant in my life; she gave me my first Bible. Through the faithfulness of Naomi and others at the church, seeds of faith were planted as I was told about a man named Jesus who died on the cross for me. I was curious, but I did not understand and did not accept Him into my life at that time. Attending church was short-lived, coming to a halt when I was eight years old. The seed that was planted in me could not grow because it was never nourished with Truth at home. My parents and grandmother believed and practiced animism and ancestral worship, which is the veneration and honoring of the dead. Confusion infiltrated my mind, and my desire to attend church ceased. While I abandoned everything that was taught to me in Sunday school, I always kept my Bible in a special place underneath my pillow because something in my heart could not throw it away.
The seed that was planted in me could not grow because it was never nourished with Truth at home.
When I was twenty-two years old, my cousin took me to a Buddhist temple to have my fortune read. There, sitting in front of me, were three monks. One monk opened his notebook, wrote in it, then read to me my childhood, present life, and future life story up to the time I would turn thirty years old. He then shut his notebook and told me, “I am done.” When I asked him, “Why?” he told me only, “I cannot read you anymore.” That same week I went to a card reader and had my fortune read. Again, he read my childhood, present life, and up to the age I would be thirty, then stopped. I told him, “You are the second person that could not read me past thirty; tell me – do I die?” He quickly gathered his cards, saying only, “I cannot tell you.”

Throughout my adult life in my twenties, I was in an unhealthy, abusive relationship, which led to an alcohol addiction. When I was twenty-six, I became pregnant and had my daughter, Kaylee, on January 31, 2005. God was already working in my life, and I did not know it; He was molding me and reminding me of who He was through the darkest moments of my life. Around that time, I came upon a childhood friend who worked as a cashier at Hy-Vee; she would tell me, “Soukham, God is so good.” Though I resisted, the words she spoke over me resonated in my heart. Not long after, I found myself attending her funeral. Worship and praise were included in the Christian service. I was confused, but a part of me had the desire to know more about the God they said was so good and how through Him there would be no more pain and suffering. When I left the funeral, the Lord continued to reveal Himself to me through divine encounters. In July of 2008, I took a position at Nationwide Insurance where I reconnected with an old high school friend. She invited me to a Thanksgiving potluck at her church, and my walk with the Lord began soon after.
From the Tai Dam little girl who was born in America and met Jesus in an Iowan church, to the woman who is now taking the hope of Christ back to Southeast Asia, His hand has been in every chapter of my story.
I was thirty years old when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. The verse that will remain with me forever is 2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (NIV).
Now I understand why the monk and card reader could not read my life past the age of thirty. At that age, I became a new creation because of Jesus Christ, and the enemy no longer had a hold on me! Jesus continued to bless me and my daughter. Amid my pain and struggles, God brought a man into my life, my husband Othone (Pong), who became a father to Kaylee. We got married on September 15, 2010. Together the Lord blessed us with two more children, Isaac and Silas. In 2017, the Lord called us to serve in Iowa at Kingdom Life Church (now Kingdom City Church).

In November 2021, the Lord instilled in Pong’s heart a dream to build a charitable foundation to address needs in the vulnerable communities of Southeast Asia. The foundation would have a Christ-centered vision: to make and equip future disciples, providing them with sustainable resources and empowering them to advance beyond their current situation. Through continuous prayer and the Lord’s guidance, the foundation was born in April 2023 and officially named Nations in Need (NIN). Recently in 2023 and 2024, the Lord took Pong, Kaylee, and three of our brothers, Ap, Peng, and Bay, on trips to Southeast Asia where they built relationships, served the communities, ministered to the people, and spread the good news about Jesus Christ. Today, NIN has branched into multiple communities in Southeast Asia. Through the work of a future center in Southeast Asia, we will expand NIN’s mission and go wherever the Lord leads.
Throughout my whole life God has carried me, even when I didn’t know it. From the Tai Dam little girl who was born in America and met Jesus in an Iowan church, to the woman who is now taking the hope of Christ back to Southeast Asia, His hand has been in every chapter of my story. Whether the next chapter is in America, Southeast Asia, or somewhere else, I will follow Christ, forever His new creation.
About the Author

Soukham Khanthavixay
Soukham Khanthavixay and her husband, Pong, are active members of Kingdom City Church in Des Moines, Iowa. They reside in Pleasant Hill, Iowa, with their three children and two dogs. Soukham is a registered nurse at a local county hospital and also works for Nations in Need (NIN), the ministry her husband founded. Her family and ministry team work together to expand the mission of NIN and spread the gospel. To learn more about Nations in Need, follow them on Facebook or Instagram: @nationsinneed.
Featured Articles
Joining the Family and Spreading the News

4 months agoon
November 1, 2024By
Rob Bray
Spirit and Truth Church began as a dream amidst the stormy backdrop of January 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenges that the world faced, we found ourselves thriving, anchored by the belief that God’s plans always prevail. As we say on our website, we are passionate about helping people “find freedom in the fullness” of both the Spirit and the Word. This foundational vision has carried us through times of uncertainty and propelled us forward.

Yet, for all our successes, we reached a point where we felt like we were on an island—thriving, yes, but lacking the covering, coaching, counsel, and care that every church needs to flourish long term. In 2022, at the first MOVEMENT conference, God spoke directly to my heart, telling me that Spirit and Truth Church was meant to be part of the Open Bible Church family. This call was a turning point for our ministry. In 2023, I was credentialed through Open Bible Churches, and in February of this year (2024), we became officially affiliated with Open Bible Churches’ Mountain Plains region. Since then, the blessings have been immense.
For all our successes, we reached a point where we felt like we were on an island.
Being part of Open Bible has been transformative for us. We have received so much investment, training, and support. Open Bible has helped us shore up essential aspects of our ministry: leadership, organization, staffing, budget, facilities, and more. Our growth has been remarkable—we’ve doubled in size, growing from 60 to 120 regular attendees in the past year. This growth, I believe, is a testament to both the godly covering of Open Bible and the Spirit-led outreaches we engage in. Our church has a culture of lifestyle evangelism and hospitality where all our members are witnesses and welcomers. In addition, we have forged strategic partnerships with other ministries.
One of the most exciting partnerships we have is with Every Heart Tours, a ministry led by fiery, Jesus-loving college students from Michigan. These students come to stay with us for a week at a time, engaging in outdoor worship outreaches and “prophetic treasure hunts.” If you’re unfamiliar with this term, a prophetic treasure hunt is an evangelistic practice where participants ask the Holy Spirit to reveal specific details about people they will meet, and then they go into the community to find these “treasures.” It’s a beautiful, Spirit-led adventure allowing us to partner with God and minister to people in our city in a unique way. We’ve seen so many lives touched and transformed through these treasure hunts.
What started as a small church plant in Northern Colorado has since grown into a vibrant community reflecting the heart of God for His people.
One of the most powerful testimonies from these outreaches happened this summer (2024). We had a team of prophetic ministers giving specific words to people as we worshipped in Fort Collins Old Town square. We preached the gospel boldly, and by the end of the night eleven people made the decision to be baptized! We walked down to the Poudre River and witnessed the supernatural power of God as they went under the water and came up renewed. It was a moment that felt like the early church, where “the Lord added to their number daily” (Acts 2:47 NIV).

Of course, ministry isn’t always easy. We’ve faced rejection and opposition. But we hold firm to the truth of Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” The harvest is plentiful, and we’ve seen this reality unfold before our eyes. As we continue to partner with ministries, step out in faith, and preach the gospel, we trust that God will continue to bring more people into His kingdom.
Our journey with Open Bible has been a testimony to God’s faithfulness. What started as a small church plant in Northern Colorado has since grown into a vibrant community reflecting the heart of God for His people. We remain committed to spreading the good news and making sure outreach and evangelism are at the heart of our ministry. The harvest is ready, Open Bible fam – let’s go bring it in!
About the Author

Rob Bray
Rob Bray is a marketplace and ministry leader with over a decade of experience in both business and church contexts. He is the founder and lead pastor of Spirit + Truth Church, an Open Bible Church in the Mountain Plains Region. Rob has catalyzed successful companies, grown healthy ministries, and spoken at influential conferences, workshops, and events. Rob’s expertise and passion have made him a trusted advisor and coach for leaders and entrepreneurs seeking breakthroughs in multiple areas including life, marriage, and business. Rob and his wife Bethany live on their homestead in Fort Collins, CO, with their six children: Nehemiah, Nora, Noelle, Neely, Nayla, and Nicholas. In their spare time, they enjoy hiking, paddle boarding, and snowboarding.

As we approach another election season, we find ourselves once again in an environment bringing tension, division, and uncertainty to people, including those within the Church. It is during times like this, however, that we as the Church can shine brightly. In the face of debates, advertisements, and news that may stir anxiety, we have a divine opportunity to anchor people to the unchanging hope of Christ.
The apostle Paul instructs us that “our citizenship is in heaven” (Phil. 3:20 NIV), and as followers of Christ, our ultimate allegiance is to God and His kingdom. While politics does have its importance and influence, it is reassuring to know our hope is not based upon human leaders or systems but in the Lord who reigns over all.
In the face of debates, advertisements, and news that may stir anxiety, we have a divine opportunity to anchor people to the unchanging hope of Christ.
There is no question that, as followers of Christ, we should engage in our civic duties with a kingdom-minded perspective and a biblical worldview. We vote, we pray for our leaders, we seek the welfare of our communities (Jer. 29:7), and we engage others with love. And as we do all of this, we hold to the truth that God’s sovereignty transcends the outcomes of elections.
In times that seem unstable or fragile, God’s Word tells us “we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken” (Heb.12:28). We serve an “unshakable kingdom.” Governments change, leaders come and go, and through it all, God’s kingdom remains. It is unshakable, eternal, and built upon His righteousness and justice. No election can alter the reality of God’s sovereignty nor shake the foundation of His authority. It is His church that holds the keys to unlock heaven on earth and bring light to the darkness.
Here is the reality we stand upon: It is God who “controls the course of world events; He removes kings and sets up other kings” (Dan. 2:21 NLT), and “the king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord” (Prov. 21:1 KJV).
Because of this truth, we can embrace Paul’s word to the Philippians: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:6-7 NLT). Based on this passage, if we are a people of prayer who walk in faith, seek God’s wisdom, and are grateful, THEN we know we will experience a peace that goes beyond natural understanding. I am reminded, comforted, and convinced of this truth, and it is an anchor to my soul.
No election can alter the reality of God’s sovereignty nor shake the foundation of His authority.
This November’s election will be followed in December by the celebration of Christ’s birth. What a perfect time to remember that Jesus is Emmanuel – God with us. This name, given to Jesus, is more than just a title; it is a promise that no matter what happens around us, God’s presence is constant and unchanging.
Whether the outcome of the election brings joy or disappointment, whether policies align with your hopes or create concerns, remember Emmanuel – God is with us. He is present in our churches, in our communities, in our families, and in our lives. He is not distant or disconnected; He is personally and actively involved in the lives of His people. Whoever is elected and however people respond – God still sits on the throne, His Kingdom is unshakable, and His plans are unstoppable. GOD IS WITH US.
Some practical steps for consideration:
- Pray for our leaders, regardless of who they are: Pray for their wisdom, discernment, and a spirit of humility.
- Stay united as the body of Christ: Let a heart of unity, love, and the bond of peace be what others see.
- Keep an eternal perspective: Engage in the political process, but keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.
- Live out the things that will remain: faith, hope and love.
About the Author

Michael Nortune
Michael Nortune serves as president of Open Bible Churches. He has ministered in the local church faithfully for 35 years. From his start as a janitor and groundskeeper to lead pastor of Life Church in Concord, California, Michael has had the opportunity to gain experience in every capacity within the church throughout his ministry. Not only does he have hands-on experience on the local level, but Michael has also led at the district, regional, and national levels within Open Bible Churches. Michael and his wife Julie currently reside in Colorado and love living near five of their six children and their spouses. They also treasure the time they spend with their other daughter who lives in Alabama with their first (but not the last) grandson!