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A Conversation with Kevin Starkey



In this episode of Better Roads, Kevin Starkey shares about his Canadian birth, escape from nearly being murdered, acting career in New York City, and ministry to students.

Join Randall for these podcasts below, or at the Better Roads website.

Across The Nation

New Better Roads Podcasts Available For July



Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array of challenges and victories. Be sure to watch for these podcasts. You will be treated to riveting stories of how God has led your fellow Open Bible family members and others connected to our family down some fascinating paths.  

As Randall says in his podcasts, “Everyone has a story to their journey, and God loves to participate in those stories.” 

Jessica Sanford

Jessica is a life coach. More foundational than her training as a coach is how God wired and prepared her for this role. She is quietly reflective and insightful. She’s not the first person to speak, but she is an astute and careful listener. In this episode of Better Roads Randall and Jessica discuss the journey on which the Lord has guided her and how she has learned to be a good listener and tune to the Holy Spirit’s frequency in hearing people at a heart level. Jessica describes her passion about discovering this coaching avenue of serving God. She also shares about the pivotal, better roads she has chosen in life and the impact those choices continue to have today.

Bob Laflin

Bob is gifted by God to see and impart insightful truths to people. He has been walking in faithfulness with this gift, sometimes referred to as words of knowledge, for many years. The Holy Spirit frequently shows Bob pictures, words, or dates about individuals which he shares with them. Sometimes he may not even know the full significance of those words, but they are revealing to the people who receive them. In this episode of Better Roads, Randall and Bob discuss how this gift works through Bob, about excesses that sometimes occur when people either presume upon the Holy Spirit or go beyond what the Spirit has revealed to them. They visit about the circus-like atmosphere that is sometimes created, never glorifying to the Lord, and about how people who are discovering the Lord has similarly gifted them can begin to step out and grow in a gift of the Spirit in a manner that is pleasing to the Lord. Bob and Randall also candidly visit about Bob’s present physical reality of multiple sclerosis, which keeps him homebound. How does Bob process the contrast between the fact that God manifests His power through Bob and yet Bob’s freedom to minister has been greatly curtailed because of MS. What is God up to? All in this episode of Better Roads.

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Across The Nation

New Better Roads Podcasts Available For June



Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array of challenges and victories. Be sure to watch for these podcasts. You will be treated to riveting stories of how God has led your fellow Open Bible family members and others connected to our family down some fascinating paths.  

As Randall says in his podcasts, “Everyone has a story to their journey, and God loves to participate in those stories.” 

Kelley Mast

Kelley Mast and his wife, Hannah, passionately love and care about children. In addition to serving as an assistant pastor in Kearney, Nebraska, Kelley serves at a nonprofit that encourages and facilitates foster care of children. He is continually learning about children’s needs and stories and helping prospective foster care parents discover and navigate a pathway to serving. Kelley and Hannah do much more than talk. They walk out their passion, having served as both foster and adoptive parents. They heard from God and are following Him, not always knowing where that will lead. How does a couple prayerfully consider and begin the process of foster parenting? Are there people who should not become foster parents? What are the challenges and rewards? In this episode of Better Roads, Randall and Kelley discuss foster parenting, the Masts’ journey, and the Better Roads Kelley has chosen that were pivotal to who and what he is today. 

Mone Cavan

How does a professional pharmacist who is a mother of six children, wife of a pastor, and a homeschooling partner with her husband keep her life organized and sane? Enter exhibit A: Mone Cavan. In this episode of Better Roads Randall and Mone converse about the multiple challenges upon Mone’s plate and how she maintains personal balance in spirituality, love and discipline with the kids, schooling, home chores, and relationship with Chris, her husband. Does she get any sleep? When is her favorite time of the day? What responsibilities do the children assume? How does she think about and process her busy life? Join Randall in exploring the thriving life and well-being of Mone Cavan, on Better Roads

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Across The Nation

New Better Roads Podcasts Available For May



Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array of challenges and victories. Be sure to watch for these podcasts. You will be treated to riveting stories of how God has led your fellow Open Bible family members and others connected to our family down some fascinating paths.  

As Randall says in his podcasts, “Everyone has a story to their journey, and God loves to participate in those stories.” 

Victoria Bates

Victoria Bates loves to worship. It is at the core of who she is and the purpose for which she lives. In this episode of Better Roads, Randall and Victoria explore the genesis and pathway that led to her becoming the passionate worshiper and worship leader that she is today. As Victoria emphasizes, singing is but one aspect of worship, but it is the expression through which the Holy Spirit uses her to minister to others. Victoria and Randall converse about the difference between worship and performance, what to do when someone sincerely wants to be part of a worship team but cannot sing, and why some songs may not be appropriate or a fit for a congregation. What constitutes good worship? What contributes to it and what distracts from it? Victoria is lovingly direct in sharing from her heart about worship. 

Linda Wilson

Ron and Linda Wilson were quite an at-large missionary team. Ron retired early from his successful career as an insurance company executive in order to respond to the Lord’s call upon his life. He never looked back, demonstrating how God had gifted him in connecting with people and pursuing big vision. Linda was the “nuts and bolts” member of the team, helping Ron’s visions come to reality. After Ron endured years of repeated health crises God welcomed him to his heavenly reward. For Linda the question was, “Now what?” She knew the answer. She was to carry on with a special, loving focus on the nation of India. Doors of opportunity have been slamming shut for Christians in India but, like Ron, Linda is not easily discouraged. She is pressing on, retrofitting some of the Wilsons’ vision into new forms and into more acceptable definitions and vocabulary in India. In this episode of Better Roads Linda shares about her journey, from the grief of losing Ron, who was her shining star, to innovatively carrying on the missionary work they launched together. 

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