Travis and Heather minister as directors of Puente de Amistad (Bridge of Friendship) in Tijuana, Mexico. Puente is a Christ-centered short-term mission base that houses visiting...
Think of the many transitions in life that you’ve experienced. Many of my own stories initially caused me tears – until I looked at them from a different angle. One painful transition for...
This is an extension of Gary Khan’s article, “Come On In, the Water’s Fine!” Why should I be baptized? Because Jesus commands it. Jesus tells us...
As a student in Bible college and seminary I was given tools for “rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15, ESV). Bible study methods...
Even though the countries of Ethiopia and Eritrea were at war with each for years, one of Open Bible’s newest ethnic church plants is comprised of...
I must admit that I have a somewhat warped sense of humor, so it should come as no surprise that two of my favorite movies to...
My father left our family when I was a young boy, and my mother remarried shortly after. I was an angry lad, mad about something nearly...
On November 25, 2019, surrounded by family, Lola Brown made one last move of many she had made serving the Lord, this time to her eternal...
¡Era la hora de Noel! Eso significaba que algunas monjas u otras personas agradables podrían venir a nuestra escuela y repartir caramelos. Esta temporada siempre me...
At a meeting held October 17, 2019, in St. Paul, Minnesota, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) Board of Directors elected Walter Kim as its president,...