By Hannah Bemis I have a confession to make: For most of my adult life, I have been an apathetic, even lazy voter. Using the excuses...
By Darrick Young I remember opening my first ever Pastor’s Appreciation card. Inside were a few kind words and a refrigerator magnet that said, “I work...
By Nicole Kerr Even if you have never experienced a season of grief, you at least know someone who has. We all struggle to know the...
By Julie Nortune I am a planner. I love getting a new calendar at the beginning of each year. It hangs proudly on my bulletin board...
By Edgar E. Figueroa When Jesus was teaching the people about the importance of doing the right thing, He used the illustration of a sower to clarify a few points. He explained that the...
By Renita Collins “What A Wonderful World” is a song by Louis Armstrong that talks about the beauty of diversity and friendly people. Often these simple aspects of life are taken for granted. However, it is refreshing to...
By Aaron Kerr Many pastors in churches across America walk into auditoriums and preach to audiences that are mostly women. Many of these pastors don’t even realize how lopsided their numbers are in the favor of...
By Ken Groen These are dramatic days. Who would have thought just six months ago that we would be living through such a global crisis? An unseen enemy has literally brought the entire...
By Ralph Vencill Since Jesus states that next to worshiping God loving our neighbors is the second most important act we can engage in as followers of God, what are we doing to...
Spring Break is upon us. Cabin fever has reached its peak. We all just want some sunshine, a swimming pool, and to sleep past 7:00 a.m., amiright?!? So...