By Gary L. Wyatt, Sr. Few people think about the challenges that come with conforming to the image of Christ as a Black man living in America, a country filled...
By Spencer Keroff Years ago, my oldest brother, Steve, was engaged to a girl I will refer to as Abigail. Steve and Abigail met at college, had the same circle...
By Robin Pfadenhauer As I sat quietly in the waiting room of the oncology floor of Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa, the ringing of...
By David Borntreger Malinda and I grew up in traditional and happy Amish homes. I have five brothers and five sisters; Malinda came from a family...
By Sarah Holsapple “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10, KJV). As the holidays...
por Sarah Holsapple No temáis; porque he aquí os doy nuevas de gran gozo, que será para todo el pueblo” (Lucas 2:10, RVR1960). A medida que las...
By Lisa Hansler (Photos by Annie Marek-Barta) “Are you sitting down?” was the question I heard spoken over the phone by the doctor who had done my biopsy. The words...
Por Lisa Hansler (Fotos por Annie Marek-Barta) «¿Está sentada?», fue la pregunta que escuché por teléfono del médico que me había hecho la biopsia. Las palabras a continuación fueron las que nunca esperé escuchar: «Tiene cáncer de mama y se ha propagado al...
By Gary Khan I was 16 years old, sitting in my room reading when I heard someone call my name, but there was no one around. I thought my sisters were playing a trick...
By Savannah Marten There are moments as believers that define our walk with Christ in a monumental way such as the moment we receive the gift of salvation, our baptism, or our receiving a...