By President Randall A. Bach “But if you can do anything, have compassion on us and help us” Mark 9:22, ESV A dad had brought his...
By Randall A. Bach Life can be complicated. Our schedules are full. Our globe is at war. Our culture is in disarray. Gas, food, and other...
By President Randall A. Bach For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I...
By Randall A. Bach I have grieved over more deaths of friends, family, and associates in the past two years than in any other period of my life. Many...
By President Randall A. Bach Many years ago, I helped students at Open Bible College obtain bank loans for their college expenses. This was before the college gained eligibility for federally funded...
By President Randall A. Bach I am always fascinated when I see videos that capture crises. Most frequently, you hear voices of the affected exclaiming, “Oh,...
By Randall A. Bach Some Christians can identify the day and hour that they consciously and intentionally embraced Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, when they acknowledged their...
By Randall A. Bach My Bach grandparents immigrated to the United States from Denmark early in the twentieth century. They experienced new life in Christ during their beginning...
By President Randall A. Bach A German veteran of World War I wrote a novel called All Quiet on the Western Front that described German soldiers’ extreme physical and mental stress during that war...
By President Randall A. Bach We recognize Old Order, or traditional, Amish people by their lifestyles. They live on farms clumped together in rural communities and...