By Harris Holsapple IV [Para leer este artículo en español, haga clic aquí] The Word of God says we can...
Por Harris Holsapple IV La Palabra de Dios dice que podemos vencer al enemigo por medio de la sangre del Cordero y la palabra de nuestro...
If you look up the word “entrepreneur” in the dictionary, you should really see John Geissler’s picture. He was a pastor and still is, but with...
By Josh Ellis I never imagined I would be praying life over my lifeless daughter, but on December 11, 2017, I found myself proclaiming the breath of...
Por Josh Ellis Nunca imaginé que estaría orando por la vida de mi hija casi muerta, pero el 11 de diciembre de 2017, me encontré clamando por el...
By Jaccie Kenyon Isn’t the love of Jesus amazing? I didn’t always feel that way. I was raised attending an Open Bible church in Ohio. I loved Jesus and the Word and...
By Jenn Burton I knew how to pray and trust the Lord until I was around the age of seven. At that time my parents decided...
In this episode of Better Roads, Randall converses with Kris Beaird, who has been a national women’s ministry leader, regional executive director’s spouse, and pastor’s spouse. She now...
In this episode of “Better Roads,” Randall converses with Luke Harden, a Des Moines Police Department detective, about the opportunities and challenges of serving in law enforcement...
In this episode of “Better Roads,” Randall visits with Chris Hansler about his journey and the important roads that led to the honor of this latest...