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Foundations Church



“For no one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 3:11, NASB).

Michael and Bonni Hines planted Foundations Church in Williamsburg, Virginia, in September of 2018 as part of the Open Bible East RAM Network church-planting initiative. Since then the church has outgrown its temporary location, filling the space to capacity at both Sunday morning services and at their midweek adult gatherings. In recent weeks church leaders agreed to terms on a lease for the back portion of a large abandoned retail store on the eastern edge of the city in an area with little or no access to a gospel-centered, Spirit-filled church. We wanted to find out more about this church and its leadership, so we asked some questions.

What made you choose Williamsburg for a church plant?

Michael: The first time we set foot in Williamsburg was Valentine’s Day weekend of 2013. Snow was falling and we were struck by the timeless beauty of the city – the cradle of the Republic. Yet amidst the rich history that stretches back to the first settlement of Jamestown in 1607, we noticed that Williamsburg, like much of the Atlantic Coast, is filled with people from all walks of life who have abandoned the faith of their forefathers. We were surrounded not only by unchurched people, those who’ve never really encountered the good news of Jesus Christ, but also by thousands of the de-churched – men and women of all ages and backgrounds who’ve given up on church, the Bible, and God Himself. They are drifting through life without an anchor, cut loose from their foundations.

Bonni: It wasn’t long after we came to Williamsburg that I found myself out by Marquis Parkway, a struggling big box retail development just off the freeway on the southeastern edge of town. I was running some errands for the kids at a Kohl’s department store and saw the lights turned out in the old JC Penny building. “Closing down” sale signs were plastered across the windows. I couldn’t shake the inescapable feeling that this place would be perfect for a church one day. Not just any church, but our church.

Why you?

Michael: At that time I was working with a para-church mission, leading ministry trips to Israel where Bonni and I had lived and worked between 2002 to 2007. I found myself on the shores of the Sea of Galilee speaking to a group of pastors at the place where Jesus appeared to Peter after he denied him. “Do you love me?” Jesus asked. After hearing Peter’s answer, He said, “Then feed my sheep.” All I could think of were the thousands of scattered, lost people in Williamsburg and the command of Jesus to feed them.

Bonni: It was a season in my life where I had in many ways given up on the pastoral call. It felt like we’d “been there, done that,” but the door of local church ministry was now closed for us. Michael was traveling, and I was stuck at home. And then something would always bring me out to the east side of town. As I would stare across the empty parking lot from Target or Kohl’s, my eyes would be drawn to the empty JC Penny building. I could “see” the parking lot filled with cars, the building filled with people hungry to meet Jesus. It was a spark of hope during a difficult season.

Why this location?

Michael: All the Lord has done this past year has prepared us as a church body to go to the harvest field in our area. More than 32,000 people live within a five-mile radius of our new church location, and there are fewer than half a dozen small, traditional mainline churches. Meanwhile hundreds of new housing units are currently under construction just a few minutes’ walk away. What’s more, our location is less than 15 minutes from the gates of Fort Eustis, home to an additional 30,000, active duty servicemen and servicewomen and their families, many of whom have never had a clear opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus.

The Apostle Paul speaks of his ambition to preach the gospel in places where Christ is not yet known, lest he “build on another man’s foundation” (Romans 15:20). The heart of Foundations Church is to do the same: to know Jesus Christ and make Him known among those who don’t yet know Him in order to make disciples, raise leaders, and plant churches. We are proud of the mission we share with the larger Open Bible family of churches who have provided incredible support throughout the entire process of launching Foundations Church a year ago.

Where are you going?

Bonni: We started our ministry living in Jerusalem in the Middle East. We had no family, few friends, and there was a war going on around us. But we learned to listen to the voice of the Lord and have always sought to teach others to do the same. So our hearts have always been to raise disciples who can make disciples of others, pastors who can pastor others, churches that can plant other churches. And we do that by rolling up our sleeves and working hard, spending tons of time with people, one at a time, helping them get free, forgive, and grow up and obey the voice of the Lord. Now after one year we are beginning to see the fruit of that investment in people: disciples willing to make disciples. And that’s how we believe we’ll equip others to go out into the mission field of the world.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

You can watch an interview with Michael and Bonni Hines or learn more about Foundations Church here.

Across The Nation

Florida Open Bible Church Brings Hope to the Homeless 



There are over 10,000 homeless citizens in Lee County, Florida, but thanks to a creative nonprofit idea and a fully sponsored shower trailer, Open Bible Community Church (OBCC) has found a unique way to serve them.  

The 32-foot long shower trailer, housing two separate rooms and ten private showers.

Located in North Fort Myers, OBCC is pastored by Joe and Pat VanEst. When Hurricane Ian hit their county in 2022 and homelessness exploded, pastors Joe and Pat responded by founding “Hope Ambassadors,” a nonprofit designed to empower individuals through disaster relief and ongoing rehabilitative efforts.  

Beginning by providing food and hygiene kits to homeless communities, the team soon realized there was a need for showering facilities. Through a string of miracles and one philanthropic donor, a shower trailer was purchased, and Hope Ambassadors now owns the only shower trailer in Southwest Florida. Housing two rooms and ten total shower units, the trailer visits two homeless communities twice a week and has already provided nearly 500 showers to families in need.  

“This has totally changed the thinking of our church,” says Pastor Joe VanEst. “We are building relationships with these folks, and it’s only a matter of time until we can share Jesus with them.” Already, the church has seen growth from visitors who have come to church after using the shower trailer.  

Hope Ambassadors is quickly building relationships with other local nonprofits that provide services like haircuts, food, and clothing. Future dreams include creating a commercial kitchen that would create nutritious, freeze-dried meals for hungry families. Hope Ambassadors’ mission statement is “To heal communities in the spirit of unity,” and thanks to God’s grace and provision, they are well on their way. 

“This has totally changed the thinking of our church”

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He Has Made Room for Us 



Rehoboth Open Bible Church has stood strong for forty-five years. Our journey began in the cozy apartment living room of Revs. Easton and Joy Grant in Brooklyn, New York, with seven adults and seven children. As the years passed and our congregation flourished, outgrowing the capacity of two hundred set by the NYC Department of Buildings, the church initiated a second service in 1998 and began an arduous search for a new, larger home, a journey that has tested our determination and resilience. 

Finding a suitable space to meet [in Brooklyn] is daunting, with people seeming to occupy every square inch

Brooklyn, one of the most densely populated counties in the United States, presents a unique set of challenges for churches. Finding a suitable space to meet is daunting, with people seeming to occupy every square inch. There are no new spaces for churches in New York. Currently existing churches were originally built in the 1800s, often by Catholics and Presbyterians; modern churches must convert commercial spaces or purchase existing spaces occupied by older churches or temples. Even when property can be found, political and business environs do not want such valuable real estate removed from the tax roll and often restrict access by religious non-profit organizations. Thus, most churches in Brooklyn are classified as storefronts, utilizing small commercial retail spaces or the front rooms of homes.  

When we were appointed as pastors of Rehoboth in 2011, the search for a larger facility was already ongoing. Four months into our role, we drove by a former Jewish temple on 888 East 56th Street which had a sign saying, “For Sale or Triple Net Lease.” Despite our uncertainty, we called the listed number and met with the owner.  

Founding Pastor Easton Grant prays over current pastors Leroy and Dalton Spencer

Most of the property was in a deplorable condition, requiring eyes of faith to visualize its value. Based on the redlining lending practices of the neighborhood and commercial banks’ refusal to lend to churches, the likelihood of acquisition was slim to none. Negotiations were painful, but after numerous meetings and much prayer, two years later we achieved an owner-seller financing purchase. That was the first miracle in the journey to 888, since we would not have been able to qualify for financing on the open market.  

The purchase consumed all the church’s savings and more. Despite this, God provided monthly mortgage payments of $16.1k while funding the church’s day-to-day operations, our second miracle.  

888 East 56th Street is more than a building. It continues the legacy of bringing Rehoboth’s soul to life.

We launched a three-year capital campaign in 2015 that proved God’s power in Rehoboth’s life at a new level. Like Gideon, God used a small group to catch the vision, amassing funds exceeding the pledged amount by nearly forty percent! God’s faithfulness gave birth to the third miracle – providing the equity needed to match our upcoming construction loan.   

In 2019, six years after purchasing the property, we obtained a construction loan and refinanced the seller’s note at a lower interest rate, providing more funds for renovation – miracle number four. 

With much excitement after the groundbreaking in December 2019, construction began in March 2020. Three weeks in, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, sending NYC spiraling. The city that never sleeps shut down tight for three months. While COVID-19 kept us all enclosed, our property renovations were in limbo. Unattended projects suffered, material prices quadrupled, and labor costs followed suit.  

Rehoboth church members march in celebration from their old church location to the new one at 888 E 56th

The challenge of dealing with unscrupulous consultants, renegotiating contracts, finding new subcontractors, confronting disfavored lending practices, and seeking to manage construction timelines was an enormous feat. But God provided miracle after miracle by granting favor, stretching finances, creating new alliances, empowering us with new boldness to advocate, and providing the changes we needed while keeping our integrity intact. As one major devious player on the project stated, “With all that I have done, you should not be here. I know God is with you.” To which we say, “Yes, Amen!” God is with us. 

On Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024, we held our final service at our previous address. Afterward, we marched to 888 East 56th Street with a police escort and a drumline, waving palm branches and flags in joyous jubilation. Our seniors who were unable to walk traveled via cars behind the marchers. All reveled in the moment, singing and giving God thanks as we beheld the miracle on East 56th Street and rejoiced in what God had done! 

Upon arrival, we introduced ourselves to the community, recited Psalm 24, opened the doors, and let the King of Glory in! We then held our first service at 888, celebrating jubilantly the fulfillment of the biblical promise our church name represents. The founders of our church chose the name “Rehoboth,” taken from Genesis 26:22:  

The beautiful sanctuary in the new church building

And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So, he called its name Rehoboth because he said, ‘For now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land’ (NKJV). 

888 East 56th Street is more than a building. It continues the legacy of bringing Rehoboth’s soul to life, providing room to become, belong, and believe for those who are here and those who are yet to come. What God said with His mouth, He has fulfilled with His hands this day for His glory. He has made room for us! 

About the Author

Leroy and Dalton Spencer

Leroy and Dalton Spencer are the lead pastors at Rehoboth Open Bible Church, in Brooklyn, New York. They have been members of Rehoboth for over 25 years, serving in various capacities before assuming the helm in 2011. They are passionate about advancing the kingdom of God, prayer, and caring for the sheep with a good shepherd’s heart. Leroy and Dalton believe people are our greatest asset and fully embrace the mandate to bring them to maturity by equipping them with the Word and life skills.  

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Teen Entrepreneur Shares Gospel Through Fashion Company 



Frank Collins III was only seventeen when he had the idea to start a clothing company called “Project M.” Originally standing for “Project Millions,” referring to the millions of dollars he hoped to make, Frank later reconsidered his mission. “I felt like God wanted me to focus on souls instead of dollars.” Today, Project M is doing just that, as its mission statement reflects: “Reaching millions of souls through faith and fashion.”

Two young ladies modeling the popular “Humble Yourself” design

Frank saw a gap in the market, noting that there weren’t many Christian streetwear brands for people his age. He wanted to create an eye-catching brand for a young audience that portrayed God and faith, products that would be attractive and intriguing to non-believers. He began designing hooded sweatshirts, T-shirts, and sweatpants with this goal in mind.

As the sole designer, Frank’s process is to sit down and ask God for ideas before creating new designs in an app. One of Project M’s most popular designs is the “Humble Yourself” hoody. Seeing too many Tik-Tok videos of people bragging about themselves and their belongings, Frank wanted to put out a different message. Based on 1 Peter 5:5-6, this design takes literally the instruction to “clothe yourselves with humility.” Other designs include bold statements like “He Lives in Me” and “Creation in Motion.”

“I want to teach business owners how to focus on the value they can provide people instead of just their financial reward.”

Frank’s first fashion drop in March of 2023 produced only one sale, but his latest, in August of the same year, has earned $10,000. Currently nineteen years old and working towards a degree in Business Administration, Frank continues to think about business differently. He would eventually love to launch a program teaching people how to make money God’s way. “I want to teach business owners how to focus on the value they can provide people instead of just their financial reward.” Frank hopes to create a business model that prioritizes eternal value over monetary value.

“Frank has been well-discipled at his church, Fresh Wind Community Church in Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan. His lead pastor, Renita Collins, shared the following: “It is an honor to have a young man in our congregation who is pursuing his calling and sharing his faith uniquely. As an entrepreneur, he is concerned not only with financial success but also spiritual success in reaching the masses for Christ. I am proud to be his pastor and honored to be his mom!”

To learn more about Project M, visit the website at or follow on Instagram:

Collins family and friends modeling Project M streetwear

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