Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array...
On February 1, 2022, Gary Khan began his new position with Marketplace Chaplains as Executive Director of Operations for Southern California, 520 division. In this capacity...
Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array...
Open Bible Churches is pleased to announce that Joshua Grimes’ reappointment as regional executive director has been ratified by the East Region ministers. The appointment process...
Open Bible Churches is pleased to announce that Bruce Pfadenhauer’s reappointment as regional executive director has been ratified by the Central Region ministers. The appointment process...
During a recent senior pastor transition at First Church of the Open Bible in Des Moines, Iowa, the church board and Open Bible’s Central Region board...
Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array...
The primary reasons people give for coming to convention are to meet with God, to connect with friends, and to combine convention time with a family...
Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array...
A couple of Ukrainian immigrants who attend New Beginnings Open Bible, pastored by Mark and Maria Manning in Aberdeen, Washington, reported a recent miracle from Ukraine. ...