(continued from the February 2020 issue) By Lisa* In the book When Harry Became Sally, Ryan Anderson explains that when researchers followed people who had sex...
(continuación de la edición de febrero de 2020) Por Lisa* En el libro Cuando Harry vino a ser Sally (When Harry Became Sally), Ryan Anderson explica que cuando los investigadores siguieron...
By Lisa* My 37-year-old married brother with five children under the age of nine sent me an email a few months ago announcing his plans to become a woman. His...
Por Lisa* Mi hermano casado de 37 años con cinco hijos menores de nueve años me envió un correo electrónico hace unos meses anunciando sus planes...
My father left our family when I was a young boy, and my mother remarried shortly after. I was an angry lad, mad about something nearly...
¡Era la hora de Noel! Eso significaba que algunas monjas u otras personas agradables podrían venir a nuestra escuela y repartir caramelos. Esta temporada siempre me...
Christmas for our family was always centered around family. Parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles all gathered together for a time of sharing, laughing, and...
It was Noel time! That meant some nuns or other nice people might come to our school and pass out candies. This season always excited me...
A menudo me preguntaba cuándo ocurriría mi propia “bomba de vida”. ¿Cuándo llegaría ese momento en el que de repente las cosas ya no eran perfectas?...
I often wondered when my own “life bomb” would occur. When would that moment come where suddenly things were no longer perfect? I’ve always had a...