By Harris Holsapple IV [Para leer este artículo en español, haga clic aquí] The Word of God says we can defeat the enemy by the blood...
After the Americans withdrew from the Vietnam War, their Indochinese allies faced imprisonment, torture, and death under communist regimes. After the fall of Saigon in 1975,...
Después de que los estadounidenses se retirara de la guerra de Vietnam, sus aliados indochinos se vieron enfrentados al encarcelamiento, la tortura y la muerte bajo...
By David Ridgway It was a Friday, with just over a week until Christmas, when I realized I wasn’t feeling well. My wife, Rose, and I...
Por David Ridgway Era un viernes, a un poco más de una semana antes de la Navidad, cuando me di cuenta de que no me sentía...
By Ricky Poon Yu Cai hails from Yantai, formerly known as Chefoo, a port city in Shandong Province in northeast China. Yantai served as the base of Canadian Presbyterian missionaries...
By Jaccie Kenyon Isn’t the love of Jesus amazing? I didn’t always feel that way. I was raised attending an Open Bible church in Ohio. I loved Jesus and the Word and...
By Louann Nealy También disponible en Español Most people think that being a pastor’s kid makes a person automatically temptation proof, exempt from evil. Not much grace is afforded to them. I never had a choice in...
By Bill Francavilla I firmly believe the Church would be much stronger if everyone took ten minutes out of their day and read a few chapters of the...
By Robin Pfadenhauer As I sat quietly in the waiting room of the oncology floor of Iowa Methodist Hospital in Des Moines, Iowa, the ringing of...