By Louann Nealy También disponible en Español Most people think that being a pastor’s kid makes a person automatically temptation proof, exempt from evil. Not much grace is afforded to them. I never had a choice in...
By Bill Francavilla Every Sunday before our church service starts, we have an unofficial meeting at which a diverse group of people that includes elders, worship team members, greeters,...
By Ryan Weldon My first experience with a “lose-lose” decision was in 2020 when local districts were considering a return to school in the fall. Being a member of the local...
Have you ever thought about who is teaching your kids the values they will use when making major life decisions as well as the minor day-to-day choices that...
Recently National MOVE Director Aaron Keller, Director of Construction Dave Bethany, and their team of 27 men returned from Tijuana, Mexico, where they built a feeding kitchen in five days! The project was completed on May 7, 2021, and was already in use the...
This fall leaders from Open Bible churches across the country are going to gather under the direction of Pastor Michael Nortune to take the next step in developing Movement, a ministry created to reach and empower a new generation of leaders through Community, Cause, and...
In this episode of Better Roads, Kevin Starkey shares about his Canadian birth, escape from nearly being murdered, acting career in New York City, and ministry to...
By Andrea Johnson Did you know you could be part of one of the most important ministries in the church? It doesn’t require a specific skill...
Por Louann Nealy La mayoría de las personas piensan que ser hijo de un pastor hace que una persona sea automáticamente a prueba de tentación, exenta...
By Frank Collins Jr. When I was approached to write a story concerning racial relationship barriers, I had a lot of material I thought I could use....