By Ken Groen These are dramatic days. Who would have thought just six months ago that we would be living through such a global crisis? An unseen enemy has literally brought the entire...
Even though pastors and churches have faced enormous obstacles during this pandemic, they have made herculean efforts to adapt quickly to minister to their communities despite the...
In this episode of Better Roads Randall converses with Jessica Francavilla, who underwent three abortions before experiencing new life in Christ. Jessica vulnerably shares about the guilt and...
By Linda Wilson I met Ron Wilson 55 years ago, and the following day he told me we were getting married because that is what God told him to...
A number of our churches are very active in providing food distribution to their communities. A couple of Open Bible churches that have substantial food distribution...
By President Randall A. Bach Jonathan Edwards’ famous sermon, preached in the heat of the 1740s Great Awakening in America, brought such conviction to people and struck their hearts...
Por Bart Bentley ¿Todavía odiamos el pecado? El tema no es cómodo. Como cristianos tendemos a gravitar hacia las enseñanzas acerca de la familia, el amor o...
By Andrea Johnson I trust in God, but to be honest, it’s easier to “trust” Him when He does things the way I would. I don’t mind trusting God...
By Hannah Bemis The woman entered with her shoulders hunched, the weight of the life she’d lived carried in her body and written on her face....
By Jim Beaird On January 21, 2020, 44 men from across the U.S. met at the airport in Houston to board a plane to Liberia, Costa Rica, to participate...