Por Josh Ellis Nunca imaginé que estaría orando por la vida de mi hija casi muerta, pero el 11 de diciembre de 2017, me encontré clamando por el...
By Jaccie Kenyon Isn’t the love of Jesus amazing? I didn’t always feel that way. I was raised attending an Open Bible church in Ohio. I loved Jesus and the Word and...
By Emery B. Barber “Help me! Save me!” I cried out as I hung from the ledge of the roof of an old two-story office building. I was only...
By Brian Ehlers Early on in our courtship, my soon-to-be wife, Darcy, and I learned that relationships require hard work. I will never forget the day the Lord showed me I had set...
By Vince McCarty Moving can be stressful and difficult, a process no one particularly enjoys. However, the time came for Inste Global Bible College (IGBC) to move from its former location at Real Life Church...
On May 6 Open Bible President Randall A. Bach virtually welcomed everyone to THRIVE21, the virtual 2021 Open Bible National Convention. Participants were treated to inspirational speakers and workshops via...
In this episode of Better Roads, Michael Hines, a native of Britain and now pastor of Foundations Church, an Open Bible church in Williamsburg, Virginia, a town...
By Fayth McConnell “We talk of the Second Coming; half the world has never heard of the first.” Oswald J. Smith, pastor, author, and missionary statesman Many of...
By Randall A. Bach Some Christians can identify the day and hour that they consciously and intentionally embraced Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, when they acknowledged their...
Por Jaccie Kenyon ¿No es asombroso el amor de Jesús? No siempre me sentí así. Me criaron asistiendo a una iglesia de la Biblia Abierta en Ohio. Amaba...