Open Bible President Randall A. Bach explores another Better Roads adventure, this time with Richie Vedilago, pastor of The Shepherd’s House Open Bible Church in New York City. Find out what...
We are pleased to welcome Rhonda Hoekstra as our new accountant at the national office. She replaces Ryan Mills, who, after assisting us immeasurably during a critically important transitional accounting stage, is returning...
Jeff Farmer is stepping away from his position as President of the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA), effective April 30, 2020. Jeff served as a church planter, business executive,...
By Ralph Vencill Since Jesus states that next to worshiping God loving our neighbors is the second most important act we can engage in as followers of God, what are we doing to...
By Heather Osterstrom Karczewski Today I am facing a struggle that straight-up scares me. I am overwhelmed by it . . . preoccupied with it . . . focused on it. My first thought is...
How would you react if you suddenly went blind? In this interview we are talking to Gary Emery, who lost his sight about four months ago, and his wife, Joneile. Gary serves as the regional executive director for Open Bible’s Pacific region. Joneile is...
By President Randall A. Bach It was not too long ago that we learned about a virus that first appeared in Wuhan, China. Then in the course of but...
¿Cómo reaccionarías si de repente te quedaras ciego? En esta entrevista estamos hablando con Gary Emery, que perdió la vista hace unos cuatro meses, y su...
(continued from the February 2020 issue) By Lisa* In the book When Harry Became Sally, Ryan Anderson explains that when researchers followed people who had sex...
After serving Henri* a full American breakfast, my wife, Donna, and I gave him a choice between sleeping in or going to church. Sleeping in would...