By Diane Brennan Every morning as my feet hit the floor and I silence an annoying alarm, I ask the Holy Spirit to order my steps...
By Aaron Keller In October of 2021, our MOVE team of twenty men hosted our first fall trip by going to the Dominican Republic to build...
By Jim Beaird The young minister agreed to meet with me for breakfast on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. at the diner on Highway 301 near Salsburg....
Above, left to right: President Randall Bach and his wife Barbara; Southeast Region Executive Director Nathan Hagan and his wife, Candi; Central Region Executive Director Bruce...
Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array...
By Andrea Johnson Judging by the sound of laughter and gleeful shrieks before we even rounded the corner of the tree-lined path to the neighborhood “hill,”...
Por David Ridgway Era un viernes, a un poco más de una semana antes de la Navidad, cuando me di cuenta de que no me sentía...
By Kris Beaird When my husband, Jim, and I had children, we vowed we would do everything right. We had fairly normal upbringings, but they lacked...
By Barbara Bach When I compare myself to my husband, I am reminded that God made me from scratch; I am unique. God has proven Himself...
By Mary Wood “But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like...