By Mone Cavan If we refuse to examine our long-held assumptions because we believe we are right, we will never become the person God wants us to be. We won’t love the way He wants us to...
By Candi Hagan Recently my family walked through a challenging season of loss when we unexpectedly had to say goodbye to my mother. She had traveled...
By Dyrie Francis Have you considered the words “It is more blessed to give than to receive”? In a culture where people look out for themselves more than for others,...
By Kristina Goecker My father was an Air Force chaplain, and as I was finishing high school, I felt called to the same ministry. Along with my...
Open Bible Churches is pleased to announce that Chris Cavan has been hired as our new Digital Media Manager. Chris, who is a credentialed Open Bible minister, serves as associate pastor,...
In this episode of Better Roads, Randall talks with Dr. Ed Stetzer about his book, Christians in the Age of Outrage: How to Bring Our Best When the...
By Andrea Johnson Several years ago my husband and I had the privilege of serving as youth pastors at a predominately African church. (We were the second White family to join.) Our pastor, Isaac...
Por Gary L. Wyatt Pocas personas piensan en los desafíos que conlleva ser conforme a la imagen de Cristo para un hombre negro que vive en Estados Unidos, un país...
By Spencer Keroff Years ago, my oldest brother, Steve, was engaged to a girl I will refer to as Abigail. Steve and Abigail met at college, had the same circle...
By Solomon Wyatt Last year was filled with many hills and valleys that caused us to look at life differently. In the midst of this new normalcy, I was led...