When looking into the closets of most women, you will find clothing of various styles, shapes, and colors. Some clothes fit and some do not. Often...
I used to have to deal with a guy I didn’t like. I felt like he was a conceited liar who purposely instigated fights even to...
That Sunday morning I had the typical excitement and slight nervousness I always experience when I’m scheduled to preach. With that came the familiar point of...
“Remember, there is only so much Kelly to go around. Do what the Lord has called you to do – nothing more, nothing less.” These are the...
From the moment it started, the scene had that familiarity of the questionable-looking character standing on the street corner opening his raincoat and asking, “Psssst… Buddy,...
If I had a thousand pounds, China should have it – if I had a thousand lives, China should have them. No! Not China, but Christ....
By Randall Bach The disciples did not tour alone. There was a team that accompanied them, which included Joanna. One of the most formidable contemporary military...