By President Randall A. Bach We recognize Old Order, or traditional, Amish people by their lifestyles. They live on farms clumped together in rural communities and...
por David Borntreger Malinda y yo crecimos en hogares amish tradicionales y felices. Tengo cinco hermanos y cinco hermanas; Malinda viene de una familia de doce....
By Sarah Holsapple “Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people” (Luke 2:10, KJV). As the holidays...
By Gary L. Wyatt, Sr. Several years ago I was in the recording studio at SureHouse Open Bible, the church I pastor in Tacoma, Washington, recording a song entitled “Under My Feet.” I had composed the piece based on the Scripture verse in Romans...
By Bill Francavilla In July of 2019, my doctor gave me some disturbing news. I was 39 years old and weighed nearly 300 pounds, so it did not come as a shock that my...
By Andrea Johnson Can you imagine being one of the shepherds on guard in the middle of the night that we read about in Luke 2, trying to protect...
The Portland Open Bible Community Food Pantry in Portland, Oregon, was invited to participate in a grant opportunity early last summer with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). The pantry is operated out of the...
Gary Khan, lead pastor of Desert Streams Church of the Open Bible in Santa Clarita, California, has written a devotional book designed for this season, You’re Not Getting Christmas, Corona: A...
In this episode of Better Roads, Randall converses with Kris Beaird, who has been a national women’s ministry leader, regional executive director’s spouse, and pastor’s spouse. She now...
por Sarah Holsapple No temáis; porque he aquí os doy nuevas de gran gozo, que será para todo el pueblo” (Lucas 2:10, RVR1960). A medida que las...