On November 25, 2019, surrounded by family, Lola Brown made one last move of many she had made serving the Lord, this time to her eternal...
¡Era la hora de Noel! Eso significaba que algunas monjas u otras personas agradables podrían venir a nuestra escuela y repartir caramelos. Esta temporada siempre me...
At a meeting held October 17, 2019, in St. Paul, Minnesota, the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) Board of Directors elected Walter Kim as its president,...
The first of January provides a valuable opportunity to leave behind an old pattern or habit and begin something new. As I have gotten older, I...
Fort Des Moines Church of the Open Bible hosted a mortgage burning celebration November 3, 2019, planned around the theme “Reminisce, Rejoice, and Revive.” Dignitaries included...
Delores Winegar, a member of First Church of the Open Bible in Des Moines, Iowa, and former executive secretary for Open Bible’s Global Missions, has published Mary,...
By Nicole Kerr Growing up in Iowa, I remember winters with snow days, snow forts, and snowball fights! So much snow! Now winter consists of snow...
By Andrea Johnson My mom told me she didn’t think I ever believed in Santa Claus. I distinctly remember as a small child tugging at her...
Christmas for our family was always centered around family. Parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles all gathered together for a time of sharing, laughing, and...
It was Noel time! That meant some nuns or other nice people might come to our school and pass out candies. This season always excited me...