Por Ryan (Red) Nehls Me resulta imposible relatar los primeros cuarenta y dos años de mi vida en unas cuantas palabras, así que destacaré algunos de...
By Gary Khan I grew up in a place that experienced two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. Then I moved to California, and...
By Tim Zakarian In last month’s article “Show Me How,” we talked about how to help someone who is newly saved take their next steps of...
By Mike and Cala Dickey It is no secret that the American Church is in trouble and under attack. With the condition of the American church,...
By Andrea Johnson I must have been about eight or nine years old, old enough to know better, when I walked in on a conversation with...
By Missionaries Mike and Pam Lumbard “A great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne ”...
Open Bible Churches is pleased to announce that Michael L. Nortune was selected by the credentialed ministers and official church delegates of the 2023 Open Bible...
Open Bible Churches is pleased to release Thriving in the Spirit, a book designed to help us grow in our experience of the Holy Spirit. God...
Attendees came ready to worship! The anointed praise team from The King’s University did a great job allowing the Holy Spirit to move in our time...
Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array...