Después de que los estadounidenses se retirara de la guerra de Vietnam, sus aliados indochinos se vieron enfrentados al encarcelamiento, la tortura y la muerte bajo...
By Randy T. Rogers “Somebody, help me!” cried the eight-year-old boy as he struggled to hold his little brother above the chilly water. On that cool,...
by Jessica Sanford I have been in an incredibly busy season for the past several months as I have stepped into a new role at my...
by Terri Michel If a person’s emotional “love tank” is not filled as a child, it can create a hole inside of them that is hard...
By Andrea Johnson Uncle Willy had just warned my husband, Denny, and me that although the hike up the mountain we were on was safe, there...
By Tammy Swailes Having served more than twenty years living in Ukraine and working with INSTE in the churches, I’ve gotten to know many of the...
The primary reasons people give for coming to convention are to meet with God, to connect with friends, and to combine convention time with a family...
Open Bible is filled with fascinating people: entrepreneurs, pastors, church planters, first responders, authors, professors, parents of children with special needs, missionaries, and many others who have faced an array...
Por Randy T. Rogers «¡Que alguien me ayude!», gritó el niño de ocho años mientras luchaba por sostener a su hermano menor fuera del agua helada....
By Mark Hornback When you and the love of your life are pronounced husband and wife, you imagine you will be married for life. You assume...